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The following Prayer Concerns and Announcements were forwarded from the Area Provost's Office at the Texas Annual Conference Service Center.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

_________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________

FROM Dub Shepherd, Trinity, Arlington~
Rev. Darwin Andrus is still under medical supervision. He is at
Interlochen Nursing Facility, Room 308, here in Arlington. He is still not
strong and well enough to reside at Eden Terrace with his wife Hilda.

FROM East District UMC~
Prayers are requested for Dolly Taylor who had surgery Tuesday, August
15th at Memorial Hospital, Lufkin. Dolly is spouse of Claud Taylor,
pastor at Allison Chapel, East District.
God is our healer and we thank Him for Dolly's total healing and
expedient recovery.

FROM John T. King~
Our prayers and best wishes go with the Reverend Adalid Versategui,
pastor of Vida Nueva United Methodist Church in Houston, who is on his way
to Bolivia to celebrate the 100th anniversary of The Evangelical
Methodist Church in Bolivia.

FROM Elaine, Stewart Mem UMC~
Susie Teddlie came home from the hospital Monday PM and will be
regaining her strength. Please continue to pray for her continued recovery.
She told me that she could feel the prayers from everyone. Thank you.


___________________________CONFERENCE NEWS_______________________

____________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM John T. King~
Ellen Thompson, long-time Conference employee in the Board of Pensions
office, will be 81 years old on August 22. I know that Ellen would
appreciate your cards to 4015 Duval, Houston 77087-1312, or your calls to

FROM Cindy Masterson~
Celebration Women’s Ministry presents a Leadership Connection Event,
"Equipped to Pray," Saturday, August 26, 2006 at FUMC, Longview, TX.
Time: 9:30- 3:30/Cost: $20.00, which includes breakfast and lunch. Barbara
Byerly will be our guest speaker. Barbara has traveled extensively
both nationally and internationally in her teaching ministry.
We invite all women to come be equipped and inspired. There will be
worship, teaching, prayer time, and training for local chapter
Celebration leadership. Workshops on Prayer, Worship, Officer Training, and
Ministry Teams will be offered. All women are invited to "experience
Celebration," benefit from Barbara’s teaching on prayer, and learn more
about this exciting ministry. For information about registration, email

FROM Monroe Walker, Lakeview Methodist Conference Center~
It's not too late to register for "Healthy Families, Holy Families"!
Led by Marty Sholars, this family camp will focus on the struggles and
joys of being a family. Sign up today and join us on Labor Day weekend.
You can register and get more information on Lakeview's web site:

FROM Jan Imig, GHLES Design Team~
Register now for Greater Houston Leadership Education School. GHLES
2006 takes place September 9 at Memorial Drive UMC. Presenters from across
the Conference will highlight this year's theme "Leading from the
Heart." Keynote speaker is Dr. Charles B. Simmons, senior minister of
Memorial Drive UMC. "Chuck", as he likes to be called, is known nationally as
a dynamic preacher, dedicated pastor and respected leader among
Methodists. For information on workshops and registration, go to

FROM Rev. Wineva Hankamer~
September 15-16 Mission Forum to be Sign Language Interpreted!
The Passport To Mission Event for September 15-16, 2006, at the
Woodlands UMC, will feature Bishop Janice Riggle Huie and Dr. Robert Hunt from
Perkins School of Theology. Plenary sessions and workshops will be sign
language interpreted, so please spread the word among your hard of
hearing, Deaf, and late-deafened members who might like to attend. The cost
is $45; register online at the Texas Conference webpage,, Partners in Mission section. Questions? contact Rev. Wineva Hankamer,, or 281 360-4500, or Kathie Mann at 713 521-9383,

FROM Rev. Tommy Williams~
Woodville UMC Fall Revival welcomes the Rev. Jerry House Jr. -
September 17-19 at 7:00pm each night. Woodville is located halfway between
Beaumont and Lufkin on Hwy 69 and halfway between Livingston and Jasper on
Hwy 190. The church is on Hwy 190 West, 2 blocks from the courthouse.

FROM Pastor Dr. J. B. Morris~
Rockhill UMC, located at 651 Fm 1794 W in Joinerville, TX, is having a
revival Oct. 1-4. Revival schedule:
Sun. Oct. 1 - 9:00 am - Dr. J. B Morris, pastor, will preach,
followed by homecoming
events and a covered-dish luncheon
Mon., Oct. 2 - 6:30 pm - Guest preacher is Dr. Keith Whitaker, East
Superintendent/Guest choir - Charthage First UMC. Refreshments
Tues., Oct. 3 - 6:30 pm - Guest preacher is Dr. Jerry Neff, North
Superintendent/Guest choir - Henderson First UMC. Refreshments
Wed., Oct. 4 - 6:30 pm - Witnessing & Testimony, with individual
congregational gosepl singing. Refreshments follow.
For more information, please call Pastor Dr. J. B. Morris at

_________________________YOUTH NEWS & VIEWS_______________________

________________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE_______________________

FROM John W. Harrington, SE TX Dist. Restorative Justice Coordinator~
Travis Chevis, 650 Eucid St., Beumont, TX 77705 --- Phone
409-813-2710, age 27
Allen Hancock, 3720 Magnolia Apartment 109, Beaumont, TX 77703 -
Age 20 -

Notice: We are initiating an all-church effort called "Prodical
Party"-- whereas each church will take a newly released person that has been
incarcerated, that is somehow affiliated with THAT local church
(grandchild, etc.), out to dinner to celebrate their release. This is an effort
to help put local churches into involvement and start an aftercare
action program. Please prayfully consider starting this much-needed
Christian action program in your local church.

______________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED___________________

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

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