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The following Prayer Concerns and Announcements were forwarded from the Area Provost's Office at the Texas Annual Conference Service Center.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

________________________PRAYER CONCERNS__________________________

This email was received on January 1st:
FROM Karley Munson:
I am sending this email to ask for your help. My sister, Loren, is very
sick. She has been sick since before Christmas and has been in the
hospital since last Tuesday. I wish I could tell you why she is sick but
all the numerous doctors that have seen her have no idea what is wrong.
Most of you probably know that she was recently married. Her husband,
Jeff, has been there with her the whole time, but sadly there is more to
the story. They are expecting their second child which further
complicates the situation. Please, I am asking for your prayers. I am so
worried and don't know what to do. So, please keep Loren, Jeff, Averi, the
baby, and the rest of our family in your prayers. I would really
appreciate it.

This is the follow-up that was received on January 2:
FROM Karley Munson:
Hello again friends,
Thanks to all of your prayers I have a great update! As you all know,
Loren has been incredibly sick for several weeks now. She has been in
the hospital for 8 days. The doctors could never determine what was
making her so sick for all this time. However, less than 24 hours after
Loren was placed on the prayer chain at our church and less than 24
hours after I sent to email to all of you, Loren woke up feeling 100%
better. For the first time in over 2 weeks, her fever was gone. She was no
longer in the incredible pain that she had been experiencing for weeks
now. She woke up on her birthday healed, and today she is coming home.
KNOW that it is because of your prayers. Thank you so much. I cannot
express how grateful I am for your prayers. This is truly a miracle!



FROM Doris Folser, HNW District
Mr. Harvey Johnson, father of Rev. Hill Johnson and father-in -law of
Rev. Cramer Johnson, passed away. His funeral will be Friday, January
6th at Kingwood Funeral Home at 1:00 p.m. Interment will follow at
Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Please keep the Johnson family in your prayers.

FROM Pastor Larry Smith, 1st UMC Cleveland
Rev. Thomas Anthony Webster died December 23, 2005. He was interred in
the National Veteran's cemetery in Houston on Dec. 27. Please keep his
family in your prayers.

FROM Rev. Stacy Pever Anzick, Glenbrook United Methodist Church
Just writing to let you all know that Robert's Mom (Dorothy Anzick)
died Dec. 31 in Denver, Colorado.
We were in Florida for a few days of R&R with Robert's sisters for
their first Christmas without his Dad... which just makes this more
Services will likely be on Monday (01/02).
We appreciate your prayers during this challenging time. Robert's
Mom would have turned 79 on January 1, 2006. This was very unexpected
and we are still a little bit in shock.

FROM First United Methodist Church, Trinity:
Rev. James L. White's mother passed away on December 27. Visitation
was at the Friendship FUMC in Porter. Services were held on Thursday,
December 29, with interment at Grand View Cemetery in Pasadena. Please
keep Rev. White and his family in your prayers.

FROM Vetta Quackenbush, Lufkin Distr.
Prayers are requested for Rev. Jackie Harmon and family. Her mom,
Ethyl Baas, passed away in Lalamazoo, Michigan on Christmas Day. Jackie is
pastor of Keltys UMC, Lufkin District.

_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

FROM Priscilla Wright, Bryan District Administrative Assistant
The Bryan District is officially moved! Our address is:
526 University Drive East- Building C; College Station, TX 77840
Our phone numbers are: (979)696-8962 office - (979) 764-1428 FAX

______________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS_________________________

FROM Rev. Don & Vivian White
Here is an opportunity for all engaged and newly-married couples,
and also for couples considering engagement. The Engaged Encounter-United
Methodist weekend is an approved program of the General Board of
Discipleship of The UMC and of the Family Ministries Committee of the Texas
Annual Conference. It meets the recommendation of the 2004 General
Conference Resolution #27 regarding nurturing marriage and family.
Registration deadline for the Jan. 27-29 weekend is very near. Please have
interested couples contact us immediately! Rev. Don and Vivian White, Texas
Contact Couple for Engaged Encounter-United Methodist, 281-429-7686, or

FROM Alicia Coltzer,
Join our Team!!!
You are invited to ride with the "Parkway/Clear Lake UMC" bike team,
as we gear up for our second year participating in the MS150 bike tour
from Houston to Austin, April 22-23, 2006. Last year, we raised more
than $13,000 to help in the fight against Multiple Sclerosis! Come join us
as we continue to minister to those affected by MS, riding for them and
sharing in a great time of fun, fellowship, and getting in better shape
along the way. If you'd like to join the team as a rider or volunteer
as part of our support crew, please contact Team Captain Dave Swartwout
at 281-488-8452 or Tracia Sanders at 281-992-6429 for more information.
Also, visit to register. Registration is now open and
spots for the tour are going quickly.

FROM Connie Bovier, Charis Spiritual Director Training Program
Charis Spiritual Director Training Program Seeks Applicants for Class
Application deadline: March 1, 2006
The Charis Spiritual Director Training Program of the Texas Annual
Conference is now accepting applications for Class 2 to enter training in
August 2006. This three-year training program equips both lay and clergy
to serve as spiritual companions to individuals who seek deeper
spiritual growth. Classes meet at Livingston UMC the second Saturday of each
month, September through April, with August and May retreats held at
For more information or to request an application packet, contact
Charis Coordinator Becky Oates at 281-360-1942 or

FROM Dr. Glenna Kyker Brayton
Native American Ministry in the Texas Conference has jump-started its
outreach. The Youth Powwow, sponsored by the Texas Conference, turned
out to be "A Dancer's Powwow," according to Native American staff, the
committee, singers, and dancers. It was such a success that we have been
asked to repeat the event in 2006.
Some of the best things coming out of the November youth powwow are
statements from young people who experienced for the first time the
dignity of a part of their heritage. All day spectators were heard to say
things like "My grandmother was half Indian" or "My grandpa told
stories about his Indian mother [or father]." We've heard recently of
United Methodist youth who have made changes in their lives because of new
feelings of worthiness and identity as Native Americans.
Healing within the church and outreach for the unchurched! What a
ministry! We ask you to consider creating a line item in your 2006
mission outreach budget for the Texas Conference Native American Ministry.
Much of the expenses for 2005, including prize money and staff fees,
was underwritten by a grant from a non-Methodist foundation, which we may
not have next year.
If you want specific information regarding 2005 powwow expenditures
or proposed budget for 2006, please call Dr. Glenna Kyker Brayton at

________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM Rev. J. C. Dorman, Central United Methodist Church
This Saturday, January 7th, at 2:00 PM, we will begin the first of our
Healing and Wholeness Services that will become a regular 1st Saturday
event. This will be a traditional service of healing and wholeness
following the format in our Book of Worship. Please come and bring someone
with you and be prepared to seek the Lord's presence. Central United
Methodist Church is located on the corner of 33rd Street and Avenue O 1/2
in Galveston (3308 Avenue O 1/2). For additional information call
409-762-2138 or email

_____________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR________________________

______________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES_________________

_______________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED__________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website:
Thank you

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

FROM Terry Dougherty -
My husband, Dr. Ed Dougherty, has many classical mathematics texts that
he would like to donate to a university or library that may not have
funds or access to such materials. Please let me know if you have a
connection where these books may be put to good use (t

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