New Hope

Christian Podcast Directory - Audio and Video Godcasting 

The following Prayer Concerns and Announcements were forwarded from the Area Provost's Office at the Texas Annual Conference Service Center.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

We have had transmission problems again, so I am combining several
emails, June 7 - 14. Some of the events may have already taken place, but I
still wanted you to have the information. However, I am sending this
in two sections to see if that will solve our problem. You will receive
two emails with the same date. This is Part I
_____________________PRAYER CONCERNS__________________________

FROM Diane Johnson, National Black Staff Forum The Reverend Robert E. Felder died this afternoon (6/13)in Nashville, TN, following a lengthy illness. Bob was the beloved
husband of Angella Current-Felder (GBHEM), brother of Luther Felder
(GBHEM) and son-in-law of Bishop Leontine T.C. Kelly. Funeral arrangements
are pending and will be posted as soon as they are received.
Please keep Angella, Luther and the entire Felder family in your

FROM Lonna Nunn, North District Office -- Texarkana
Location Please keep the family of Tidy Mary Brannon in your prayers. She was
the widow of George Brannon, an elder in our conference who died in
1982. Ms. Brannon was 86, a member of the Liberty United Methodist Church,
and lived in Hughes Springs, TX. (North District)
FROM Donna Moody, Admn. Asst., Southeast District~ Our beloved friend, Carolyn Hancock,
died this morning (6/11). Carolyn is the retired administrative assistant
from the former Beaumont District. She will be greatly missed. A
memorial service will be held on Friday, June 16, 1:00 p.m. at Groves
First UMC - 6501 Washington Blvd. The pastor is Rev. Alan Van Hooser and
the phone number is 409-962-1076. In lieu of flowers, the family is
asking that you make a donation to the Lakeview Campus Scholarship Fund
in c/o First UMC, Groves; P. O. Box 757; Groves, TX 77619.

______________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION_____________________

FROM Jo Mackenzie, TXCUMC I have had several calls about the new Dove
System of Ministerial Records. Susan Keirn Kester told me that if you have
any questions or need information, here is the Web site that can help:
FROM Doris Folser, Northwest Dist. (Now Central North District) The email
addresses for Dr. Jack R. Shelton and Doris Folser have changed; they are:
Jack Shelton, Doris Folser,
FROM Kathie Mann, Dir. PIM,
Texas Annual Conference EARLY RESPONDER Training will be offered on June
17th & July 8th for those who would like to be certified by UMCOR to
go into a disaster area to make homes and churches SAFE, SANITARY and
SECURE. Plenty of space is available in both classes! Classes will be
at First UMC in Sugarland on June 17th from 9 AM - 1 PM and at First
UMC in Navasota on July 8th from 9 AM - 1 PM. Cost is $15, which
includes a T-shirt, badge & lunch. Advanced Registration is required.
Additional T-Shirts are available for $7 each. Contact Mary Ann Hodges,
Conference Disaster Response Coordinator at
or 281-379-5091(H) or 281-546-0985 (C) for additional information
and/or a registration form.

____________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM Mary Brown, Member, Board of Managers The Texas Conference Cooperative
School of Christian Mission is set for July 13 to 16 at Lakeview
Conference Center. Early registration ends June 22. After June 22, a $10
fee is added. Registration information is available at or on the Texas Conference Website. You can download the
flier and registration form. Or contact your church or members of United
Methodist Women. Fliers were in the Annual Conference packet given at
Conference registration. The Spiritual Growth Study: "Shalom,
Salaam, Peace" will be taught by Rev. Marvin Hood from the Texas Conference.
Other study leaders from our conference include: Vivian Oliver (India
and Pakistan); Danny Wayman, Francis Guidry, J.D. Phillips
(Globalization) Registrar is Mitzi Hiers, 11422 Sagevale Lane, Houston, Texas
77089 (281) 481 0005. Have questions? Send email
to .

FROM Gus & Jackie Browning A
friend tells me that the Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting
enough people to click on their site daily for free mammograms for women in
need. The site is listed below. And while you are at it, there are 5
other sites listed where you can donate without cost to you to help feed
the hungry, provide healthcare for needy kids, books for needy kids,
preservation of rain forests, and animal rescue. It only takes a
minute to click on each tab, go to the top of your screen and hit the "Back"
button, click the next tab, then "Back" again, etc. to donate to any or
all of them. The donation "button" is not far from the top of each
one. Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! This doesn't cost
you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily
visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web
site! Pass it along to people you know.
FROM Rev. David Urban, Murchison,
First - Personal information belonging to more than a
million people from a Texas Guaranteed Loan company has been lost. The
information was held by a student loan corporation .... more
at: (Local NBC affiliate in
Tyler) and at (Texas
Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation) To those with student loans
handled via TG, the statement on the TG web site says that those people
affected "will receive notification by mail within the next few weeks."
But some may want to take precautions sooner than this. To find out
if your name and/or Social Security number were part of the data set on
the piece of missing equipment, call TG at (800) 530-0626. This toll-free
call center will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m. (Central Time).
EXTRAVAGANZA", with KSBJ's Mike Kankelfritz, will be held at First UMC, La
Porte, 9601 Fairmont Parkway, on July 4th. You are invited to come and
bring your family to this exciting event, as we celebrate our faith and
freedom! The fun will get underway at 3:00 and will continue through the
fireworks display. You may picnic on the grounds, or purchase food
items from various booths. Free watermelon will be provided, as well as ice
cream donated by Happy Harbor Methodist Home. The Y.M.C.A. will be
hosting Big Toys, face painting, etc. A dunking booth will provide the
opportunity to dunk the mayors of La Porte and Deer Park, and the pastors.
The bands will kick off at 5:00, and will provide entertainment until
the Pasadena fireworks begin. If your praise team/band would like to
participate in this celebration, please contact Rev. Jack Womack at
281-948-0424 or e-mail
FROM Glenna Kyker Brayton A GENTLE REMINDER that Native American Ministry does not receive funds
from Fair Share or from apportionments. The only revenue is from Native
American Sunday envelopes. It's not too late to invite your church to
share in this ministry by giving one dollar per member. What a difference
that would make! DID YOU KNOW that 19 of the 61 churches with
membership over 1000 contributed to Native American Sunday in 2005? ...that
46 churches with membership less than 1000 contributed to NA Sunday?
...that 135 churches have contributed since 2003? ...that Lake Rayburn UMC
has consistently given at least a dollar per member since 2003? ...that
Ryan's Chapel has given over $5 per member each year for the past four
years? Thanks to each of you who stopped by our booth at Annual
Conference. Let us know if you'd like information about having a
Native American team or individual visit your church for educational or
worship purposes. Glenna Kyker Brayton,,

FROM Tom Teeke NEW VERSION OF ROYCE - Version 3.9 of ROYCE
(Reporting and Organizing Youth Camp Easily) can be found at along with the instruction guide
that explains the changes and fixes. This version will track the brand
new State Certification requirement for adults to work at summer camp
and has a calculation fix. (
FROM Tom Teeke Annual Report of College Students. Please download and/or print the updated
Annual Report of College Students that the 2004 Book of Discipline
requires of all churches. The deadline for completing the report is July 15.
Complete instructions are in the PDF and can be found at This report is also required for
all charge conferences. Thank you for helping reach your students.
FROM Monroe Walker, Lakeview
The Crafts Auditorium at Lakeview is complete and in better shape than ever
following the fire caused by lightning the first part of the year.
Though only the roof burned, the interior suffered heavy water damage. The
result is we have a new roof, new ceiling and lighting, new floor, and
repainted walls. The room looks great and is already in use! Thanks to
everyone who helped with donations toward our insurance

__________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_______________________

FROM Kathie Mann, Director of Partners In Mission, Texas Annual
Conference Spend a week in beautiful Colorado working at Buckhorn Methodist Youth
camp, building a deck for one of the lodges and doing maintenance work
on other buildings. Team members are needed for June 10-18. This FUMC,
Houston team is led by Barbara Drow and you can call her at
281-961-0240 for more information.

We have had transmission problems again, so I am combining several
emails, June 7 - 14. Some of the events may have already taken place, but I
still wanted you to have the information. However, I am sending this
in two sections to see if that will solve our problem. You will receive
two emails with the same date. This is Part I
_____________________PRAYER CONCERNS__________________________

FROM Diane Johnson, National Black Staff Forum The Reverend Robert E. Felder died this afternoon (6/13)in Nashville, TN, following a lengthy illness. Bob was the beloved
husband of Angella Current-Felder (GBHEM), brother of Luther Felder
(GBHEM) and son-in-law of Bishop Leontine T.C. Kelly. Funeral arrangements
are pending and will be posted as soon as they are received.
Please keep Angella, Luther and the entire Felder family in your

FROM Lonna Nunn, North District Office -- Texarkana
Location Please keep the family of Tidy Mary Brannon in your prayers. She was
the widow of George Brannon, an elder in our conference who died in
1982. Ms. Brannon was 86, a member of the Liberty United Methodist Church,
and lived in Hughes Springs, TX. (North District)
FROM Donna Moody, Admn. Asst., Southeast District~Our beloved friend, Carolyn Hancock,
died this morning (6/11). Carolyn is the retired administrative assistant
from the former Beaumont District. She will be greatly missed. A
memorial service will be held on Friday, June 16, 1:00 p.m. at Groves
First UMC - 6501 Washington Blvd. The pastor is Rev. Alan Van Hooser and
the phone number is 409-962-1076. In lieu of flowers, the family is
asking that you make a donation to the Lakeview Campus Scholarship Fund
in c/o First UMC, Groves; P. O. Box 757; Groves, TX 77619.

______________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION_____________________

FROM Jo Mackenzie, TXCUMC I have had several calls about the new Dove
System of Ministerial Records. Susan Keirn Kester told me that if you have
any questions or need information, here is the Web site that can help:
FROM Doris Folser, Northwest Dist. (Now Central North District) The email
addresses for Dr. Jack R. Shelton and Doris Folser have changed; they are:
Jack Shelton, Doris Folser,
FROM Kathie Mann, Dir. PIM,
Texas Annual Conference EARLY RESPONDER Training will be offered on June
17th & July 8th for those who would like to be certified by UMCOR to
go into a disaster area to make homes and churches SAFE, SANITARY and
SECURE. Plenty of space is available in both classes! Classes will be
at First UMC in Sugarland on June 17th from 9 AM - 1 PM and at First
UMC in Navasota on July 8th from 9 AM - 1 PM. Cost is $15, which
includes a T-shirt, badge & lunch. Advanced Registration is required.
Additional T-Shirts are available for $7 each. Contact Mary Ann Hodges,
Conference Disaster Response Coordinator at
or 281-379-5091(H) or 281-546-0985 (C) for additional information
and/or a registration form.

____________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________
FROM Mary Brown, Member, Board of Managers~The Texas Conference Cooperative
School of Christian Mission is set for July 13 to 16 at Lakeview
Conference Center. Early registration ends June 22. After June 22, a $10
fee is added. Registration information is available at or on the Texas Conference Website. You can download the
flier and registration form. Or contact your church or members of United
Methodist Women. Fliers were in the Annual Conference packet given at
Conference registration. The Spiritual Growth Study: "Shalom,
Salaam, Peace" will be taught by Rev. Marvin Hood from the Texas Conference.
Other study leaders from our conference include: Vivian Oliver (India
and Pakistan); Danny Wayman, Francis Guidry, J.D. Phillips
(Globalization) Registrar is Mitzi Hiers, 11422 Sagevale Lane, Houston, Texas
77089 (281) 481 0005. Have questions? Send email
to .
FROM Gus & Jackie Browning A
friend tells me that the Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting
enough people to click on their site daily for free mammograms for women in
need. The site is listed below. And while you are at it, there are 5
other sites listed where you can donate without cost to you to help feed
the hungry, provide healthcare for needy kids, books for needy kids,
preservation of rain forests, and animal rescue. It only takes a
minute to click on each tab, go to the top of your screen and hit the "Back"
button, click the next tab, then "Back" again, etc. to donate to any or
all of them. The donation "button" is not far from the top of each
one. Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! This doesn't cost
you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily
visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web
site! Pass it along to people you know.
FROM Rev. David Urban, Murchison,
First - Personal information belonging to more than a
million people from a Texas Guaranteed Loan company has been lost. The
information was held by a student loan corporation .... more
at: (Local NBC affiliate in
Tyler) and at (Texas
Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation) To those with student loans
handled via TG, the statement on the TG web site says that those people
affected "will receive notification by mail within the next few weeks."
But some may want to take precautions sooner than this. To find out
if your name and/or Social Security number were part of the data set on
the piece of missing equipment, call TG at (800) 530-0626. This toll-free
call center will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m. (Central Time).
EXTRAVAGANZA", with KSBJ's Mike Kankelfritz, will be held at First UMC, La
Porte, 9601 Fairmont Parkway, on July 4th. You are invited to come and
bring your family to this exciting event, as we celebrate our faith and
freedom! The fun will get underway at 3:00 and will continue through the
fireworks display. You may picnic on the grounds, or purchase food
items from various booths. Free watermelon will be provided, as well as ice
cream donated by Happy Harbor Methodist Home. The Y.M.C.A. will be
hosting Big Toys, face painting, etc. A dunking booth will provide the
opportunity to dunk the mayors of La Porte and Deer Park, and the pastors.
The bands will kick off at 5:00, and will provide entertainment until
the Pasadena fireworks begin. If your praise team/band would like to
participate in this celebration, please contact Rev. Jack Womack at
281-948-0424 or e-mail
FROM Glenna Kyker Brayton A GENTLE REMINDER that Native American Ministry does not receive funds
from Fair Share or from apportionments. The only revenue is from Native
American Sunday envelopes. It's not too late to invite your church to
share in this ministry by giving one dollar per member. What a difference
that would make! DID YOU KNOW that 19 of the 61 churches with
membership over 1000 contributed to Native American Sunday in 2005? ...that
46 churches with membership less than 1000 contributed to NA Sunday?
...that 135 churches have contributed since 2003? ...that Lake Rayburn UMC
has consistently given at least a dollar per member since 2003? ...that
Ryan's Chapel has given over $5 per member each year for the past four
years? Thanks to each of you who stopped by our booth at Annual
Conference. Let us know if you'd like information about having a
Native American team or individual visit your church for educational or
worship purposes. Glenna Kyker Brayton,,

FROM Tom Teeke NEW VERSION OF ROYCE - Version 3.9 of ROYCE
(Reporting and Organizing Youth Camp Easily) can be found at along with the instruction guide
that explains the changes and fixes. This version will track the brand
new State Certification requirement for adults to work at summer camp
and has a calculation fix. (
FROM Tom Teeke Annual Report of College Students. Please download and/or print the updated
Annual Report of College Students that the 2004 Book of Discipline
requires of all churches. The deadline for completing the report is July 15.
Complete instructions are in the PDF and can be found at This report is also required for
all charge conferences. Thank you for helping reach your students.
FROM Monroe Walker, Lakeview
The Crafts Auditorium at Lakeview is complete and in better shape than ever
following the fire caused by lightning the first part of the year.
Though only the roof burned, the interior suffered heavy water damage. The
result is we have a new roof, new ceiling and lighting, new floor, and
repainted walls. The room looks great and is already in use! Thanks to
everyone who helped with donations toward our insurance

__________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_______________________

FROM Kathie Mann, Director of Partners In Mission, Texas Annual
Conference Spend a week in beautiful Colorado working at Buckhorn Methodist Youth
camp, building a deck for one of the lodges and doing maintenance work
on other buildings. Team members are needed for June 10-18. This FUMC,
Houston team is led by Barbara Drow and you can call her at
281-961-0240 for more information.

We have had transmission problems again, so I am combining several
emails, June 7 - 14. Some of the events may have already taken place, but I
still wanted you to have the information. However, I am sending this
in two sections to see if that will solve our problem. You will receive
two emails with the same date. This is Part I
_____________________PRAYER CONCERNS__________________________

FROM Diane Johnson, National Black Staff Forum The Reverend Robert E. Felder died this afternoon (6/13)in Nashville, TN, following a lengthy illness. Bob was the beloved
husband of Angella Current-Felder (GBHEM), brother of Luther Felder
(GBHEM) and son-in-law of Bishop Leontine T.C. Kelly. Funeral arrangements
are pending and will be posted as soon as they are received.
Please keep Angella, Luther and the entire Felder family in your

FROM Lonna Nunn, North District Office -- Texarkana
Location Please keep the family of Tidy Mary Brannon in your prayers. She was
the widow of George Brannon, an elder in our conference who died in
1982. Ms. Brannon was 86, a member of the Liberty United Methodist Church,
and lived in Hughes Springs, TX. (North District)
FROM Donna Moody, Admn. Asst., Southeast District~ Our beloved friend, Carolyn Hancock,
died this morning (6/11). Carolyn is the retired administrative assistant
from the former Beaumont District. She will be greatly missed. A
memorial service will be held on Friday, June 16, 1:00 p.m. at Groves
First UMC - 6501 Washington Blvd. The pastor is Rev. Alan Van Hooser and
the phone number is 409-962-1076. In lieu of flowers, the family is
asking that you make a donation to the Lakeview Campus Scholarship Fund
in c/o First UMC, Groves; P. O. Box 757; Groves, TX 77619.

______________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION_____________________

FROM Jo Mackenzie, TXCUMC I have had several calls about the new Dove
System of Ministerial Records. Susan Keirn Kester told me that if you have
any questions or need information, here is the Web site that can help:
FROM Doris Folser, Northwest Dist. (Now Central North District) The email
addresses for Dr. Jack R. Shelton and Doris Folser have changed; they are:
Jack Shelton, Doris Folser,
FROM Kathie Mann, Dir. PIM,
Texas Annual Conference EARLY RESPONDER Training will be offered on June
17th & July 8th for those who would like to be certified by UMCOR to
go into a disaster area to make homes and churches SAFE, SANITARY and
SECURE. Plenty of space is available in both classes! Classes will be
at First UMC in Sugarland on June 17th from 9 AM - 1 PM and at First
UMC in Navasota on July 8th from 9 AM - 1 PM. Cost is $15, which
includes a T-shirt, badge & lunch. Advanced Registration is required.
Additional T-Shirts are available for $7 each. Contact Mary Ann Hodges,
Conference Disaster Response Coordinator at
or 281-379-5091(H) or 281-546-0985 (C) for additional information
and/or a registration form.

____________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________
FROM Mary Brown, Member, Board of Managers~ The Texas Conference Cooperative
School of Christian Mission is set for July 13 to 16 at Lakeview
Conference Center. Early registration ends June 22. After June 22, a $10
fee is added. Registration information is available at or on the Texas Conference Website. You can download the
flier and registration form. Or contact your church or members of United
Methodist Women. Fliers were in the Annual Conference packet given at
Conference registration. The Spiritual Growth Study: "Shalom,
Salaam, Peace" will be taught by Rev. Marvin Hood from the Texas Conference.
Other study leaders from our conference include: Vivian Oliver (India
and Pakistan); Danny Wayman, Francis Guidry, J.D. Phillips
(Globalization) Registrar is Mitzi Hiers, 11422 Sagevale Lane, Houston, Texas
77089 (281) 481 0005. Have questions? Send email
to .
FROM Gus & Jackie Browning A
friend tells me that the Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting
enough people to click on their site daily for free mammograms for women in
need. The site is listed below. And while you are at it, there are 5
other sites listed where you can donate without cost to you to help feed
the hungry, provide healthcare for needy kids, books for needy kids,
preservation of rain forests, and animal rescue. It only takes a
minute to click on each tab, go to the top of your screen and hit the "Back"
button, click the next tab, then "Back" again, etc. to donate to any or
all of them. The donation "button" is not far from the top of each
one. Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! This doesn't cost
you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily
visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web
site! Pass it along to people you know.
FROM Rev. David Urban, Murchison,
First - Personal information belonging to more than a
million people from a Texas Guaranteed Loan company has been lost. The
information was held by a student loan corporation .... more
at: (Local NBC affiliate in
Tyler) and at (Texas
Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation) To those with student loans
handled via TG, the statement on the TG web site says that those people
affected "will receive notification by mail within the next few weeks."
But some may want to take precautions sooner than this. To find out
if your name and/or Social Security number were part of the data set on
the piece of missing equipment, call TG at (800) 530-0626. This toll-free
call center will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m. (Central Time).
EXTRAVAGANZA", with KSBJ's Mike Kankelfritz, will be held at First UMC, La
Porte, 9601 Fairmont Parkway, on July 4th. You are invited to come and
bring your family to this exciting event, as we celebrate our faith and
freedom! The fun will get underway at 3:00 and will continue through the
fireworks display. You may picnic on the grounds, or purchase food
items from various booths. Free watermelon will be provided, as well as ice
cream donated by Happy Harbor Methodist Home. The Y.M.C.A. will be
hosting Big Toys, face painting, etc. A dunking booth will provide the
opportunity to dunk the mayors of La Porte and Deer Park, and the pastors.
The bands will kick off at 5:00, and will provide entertainment until
the Pasadena fireworks begin. If your praise team/band would like to
participate in this celebration, please contact Rev. Jack Womack at
281-948-0424 or e-mail
FROM Glenna Kyker Brayton A GENTLE REMINDER that Native American Ministry does not receive funds
from Fair Share or from apportionments. The only revenue is from Native
American Sunday envelopes. It's not too late to invite your church to
share in this ministry by giving one dollar per member. What a difference
that would make! DID YOU KNOW that 19 of the 61 churches with
membership over 1000 contributed to Native American Sunday in 2005? ...that
46 churches with membership less than 1000 contributed to NA Sunday?
...that 135 churches have contributed since 2003? ...that Lake Rayburn UMC
has consistently given at least a dollar per member since 2003? ...that
Ryan's Chapel has given over $5 per member each year for the past four
years? Thanks to each of you who stopped by our booth at Annual
Conference. Let us know if you'd like information about having a
Native American team or individual visit your church for educational or
worship purposes. Glenna Kyker Brayton,,

FROM Tom Teeke NEW VERSION OF ROYCE - Version 3.9 of ROYCE
(Reporting and Organizing Youth Camp Easily) can be found at along with the instruction guide
that explains the changes and fixes. This version will track the brand
new State Certification requirement for adults to work at summer camp
and has a calculation fix. (
FROM Tom Teeke Annual Report of College Students. Please download and/or print the updated
Annual Report of College Students that the 2004 Book of Discipline
requires of all churches. The deadline for completing the report is July 15.
Complete instructions are in the PDF and can be found at This report is also required for
all charge conferences. Thank you for helping reach your students.
FROM Monroe Walker, Lakeview
The Crafts Auditorium at Lakeview is complete and in better shape than ever
following the fire caused by lightning the first part of the year.
Though only the roof burned, the interior suffered heavy water damage. The
result is we have a new roof, new ceiling and lighting, new floor, and
repainted walls. The room looks great and is already in use! Thanks to
everyone who helped with donations toward our insurance

__________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_______________________

FROM Kathie Mann, Director of Partners In Mission, Texas Annual
Conference Spend a week in beautiful Colorado working at Buckhorn Methodist Youth
camp, building a deck for one of the lodges and doing maintenance work
on other buildings. Team members are needed for June 10-18. This FUMC,
Houston team is led by Barbara Drow and you can call her at
281-961-0240 for more information.
We have had transmission problems again, so I am combining several
emails, June 7 - 14. Some of the events may have already taken place, but I
still wanted you to have the information. However, I am sending this
in two sections to see if that will solve our problem. You will receive
two emails with the same date. This is Part I
_____________________PRAYER CONCERNS__________________________
FROM Diane Johnson, National
Black Staff Forum The Reverend Robert E. Felder died this afternoon
(6/13)in Nashville, TN, following a lengthy illness. Bob was the beloved
husband of Angella Current-Felder (GBHEM), brother of Luther Felder
(GBHEM) and son-in-law of Bishop Leontine T.C. Kelly. Funeral arrangements
are pending and will be posted as soon as they are received.
Please keep Angella, Luther and the entire Felder family in your
FROM Lonna Nunn, North District Office -- Texarkana
Location Please keep the family of Tidy Mary Brannon in your prayers. She was
the widow of George Brannon, an elder in our conference who died in
1982. Ms. Brannon was 86, a member of the Liberty United Methodist Church,
and lived in Hughes Springs, TX. (North District)
FROM Donna Moody,
Admn. Asst., Southeast District~Our beloved friend, Carolyn Hancock,
died this morning (6/11). Carolyn is the retired administrative assistant
from the former Beaumont District. She will be greatly missed.  A
memorial service will be held on Friday, June 16, 1:00 p.m. at Groves
First UMC - 6501 Washington Blvd. The pastor is Rev. Alan Van Hooser and
the phone number is 409-962-1076. In lieu of flowers, the family is
asking that you make a donation to the Lakeview Campus Scholarship Fund
in c/o First UMC, Groves; P. O. Box 757; Groves, TX 77619.

______________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION_____________________
FROM Jo Mackenzie, TXCUMC I have had several calls about the new Dove
System of Ministerial Records. Susan Keirn Kester told me that if you have
any questions or need information, here is the Web site that can help:
FROM Doris Folser, Northwest Dist. (Now Central North District)~The email
addresses for Dr. Jack R. Shelton and Doris Folser have changed; they are:
Jack Shelton, Doris Folser,
FROM Kathie Mann, Dir. PIM,
Texas Annual Conference EARLY RESPONDER Training will be offered on June
17th & July 8th for those who would like to be certified by UMCOR to
go into a disaster area to make homes and churches SAFE, SANITARY and
SECURE. Plenty of space is available in both classes! Classes will be
at First UMC in Sugarland on June 17th from 9 AM - 1 PM and at First
UMC in Navasota on July 8th from 9 AM - 1 PM. Cost is $15, which
includes a T-shirt, badge & lunch. Advanced Registration is required.
Additional T-Shirts are available for $7 each. Contact Mary Ann Hodges,
Conference Disaster Response Coordinator at
or 281-379-5091(H) or 281-546-0985 (C) for additional information
and/or a registration form.

____________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________
FROM Mary Brown, Member, Board of Managers~The Texas Conference Cooperative
School of Christian Mission is set for July 13 to 16 at Lakeview
Conference Center. Early registration ends June 22. After June 22, a $10
fee is added. Registration information is available at or on the Texas Conference Website. You can download the
flier and registration form. Or contact your church or members of United
Methodist Women. Fliers were in the Annual Conference packet given at
Conference registration.  The Spiritual Growth Study: "Shalom,
Salaam, Peace" will be taught by Rev. Marvin Hood from the Texas Conference.
Other study leaders from our conference include: Vivian Oliver (India
and Pakistan); Danny Wayman, Francis Guidry, J.D. Phillips
(Globalization) Registrar is Mitzi Hiers, 11422 Sagevale Lane, Houston, Texas
77089 (281) 481 0005. Have questions? Send email
to .
FROM Gus & Jackie Browning A
friend tells me that the Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting
enough people to click on their site daily for free mammograms for women in
need. The site is listed below. And while you are at it, there are 5
other sites listed where you can donate without cost to you to help feed
the hungry, provide healthcare for needy kids, books for needy kids,
preservation of rain forests, and animal rescue. It only takes a
minute to click on each tab, go to the top of your screen and hit the "Back"
button, click the next tab, then "Back" again, etc. to donate to any or
all of them. The donation "button" is not far from the top of each
one. Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! This doesn't cost
you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily
visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web
site! Pass it along to people you know.
FROM Rev. David Urban, Murchison,
First - Personal information belonging to more than a
million people from a Texas Guaranteed Loan company has been lost. The
information was held by a student loan corporation .... more
at: (Local NBC affiliate in
Tyler) and at (Texas
Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation) To those with student loans
handled via TG, the statement on the TG web site says that those people
affected "will receive notification by mail within the next few weeks."
But some may want to take precautions sooner than this. To find out
if your name and/or Social Security number were part of the data set on
the piece of missing equipment, call TG at (800) 530-0626. This toll-free
call center will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m. (Central Time).
EXTRAVAGANZA", with KSBJ's Mike Kankelfritz, will be held at First UMC, La
Porte, 9601 Fairmont Parkway, on July 4th. You are invited to come and
bring your family to this exciting event, as we celebrate our faith and
freedom! The fun will get underway at 3:00 and will continue through the
fireworks display. You may picnic on the grounds, or purchase food
items from various booths. Free watermelon will be provided, as well as ice
cream donated by Happy Harbor Methodist Home. The Y.M.C.A. will be
hosting Big Toys, face painting, etc. A dunking booth will provide the
opportunity to dunk the mayors of La Porte and Deer Park, and the pastors.
The bands will kick off at 5:00, and will provide entertainment until
the Pasadena fireworks begin. If your praise team/band would like to
participate in this celebration, please contact Rev. Jack Womack at
281-948-0424 or e-mail
FROM Glenna Kyker Brayton A GENTLE REMINDER that Native American Ministry does not receive funds
from Fair Share or from apportionments. The only revenue is from Native
American Sunday envelopes. It's not too late to invite your church to
share in this ministry by giving one dollar per member. What a difference
that would make! DID YOU KNOW that 19 of the 61 churches with
membership over 1000 contributed to Native American Sunday in 2005? ...that
46 churches with membership less than 1000 contributed to NA Sunday?
...that 135 churches have contributed since 2003? ...that Lake Rayburn UMC
has consistently given at least a dollar per member since 2003? ...that
Ryan's Chapel has given over $5 per member each year for the past four
years? Thanks to each of you who stopped by our booth at Annual
Conference. Let us know if you'd like information about having a
Native American team or individual visit your church for educational or
worship purposes. Glenna Kyker Brayton,,

FROM Tom Teeke NEW VERSION OF ROYCE - Version 3.9 of ROYCE
(Reporting and Organizing Youth Camp Easily) can be found at along with the instruction guide
that explains the changes and fixes. This version will track the brand
new State Certification requirement for adults to work at summer camp
and has a calculation fix. (
FROM Tom Teeke Annual Report of College Students. Please download and/or print the updated
Annual Report of College Students that the 2004 Book of Discipline
requires of all churches. The deadline for completing the report is July 15.
Complete instructions are in the PDF and can be found at This report is also required for
all charge conferences. Thank you for helping reach your students.
FROM Monroe Walker, Lakeview
The Crafts Auditorium at Lakeview is complete and in better shape than ever
following the fire caused by lightning the first part of the year.
Though only the roof burned, the interior suffered heavy water damage. The
result is we have a new roof, new ceiling and lighting, new floor, and
repainted walls. The room looks great and is already in use! Thanks to
everyone who helped with donations toward our insurance

__________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_______________________

FROM Kathie Mann, Director of Partners In Mission, Texas Annual
Conference Spend a week in beautiful Colorado working at Buckhorn Methodist Youth
camp, building a deck for one of the lodges and doing maintenance work
on other buildings. Team members are needed for June 10-18. This FUMC,
Houston team is led by Barbara Drow and you can call her at
281-961-0240 for more information.

We have had transmission problems again, so I am combining several

emails, June 7 - 14. Some of the events may have already taken place, but I
still wanted you to have the information. However, I am sending this
in two sections to see if that will solve our problem. You will receive
two emails with the same date. This is Part I
_____________________PRAYER CONCERNS__________________________

FROM Diane Johnson,  National

Black Staff Forum The Reverend Robert E. Felder died this afternoon
(6/13)in Nashville, TN, following a lengthy illness. Bob was the beloved
husband of Angella Current-Felder (GBHEM), brother of Luther Felder
(GBHEM) and son-in-law of Bishop Leontine T.C. Kelly. Funeral arrangements
are pending and will be posted as soon as they are received.
Please keep Angella, Luther and the entire Felder family in your

FROM Lonna Nunn, North District Office -- Texarkana

Location Please keep the family of Tidy Mary Brannon in your prayers. She was
the widow of George Brannon, an elder in our conference who died in
1982. Ms. Brannon was 86, a member of the Liberty United Methodist Church,
and lived in Hughes Springs, TX. (North District)
FROM Donna Moody,

Admn. Asst., Southeast District~Our beloved friend, Carolyn Hancock,
died this morning (6/11). Carolyn is the retired administrative assistant
from the former Beaumont District. She will be greatly missed.  A
memorial service will be held on Friday, June 16, 1:00 p.m. at Groves
First UMC - 6501 Washington Blvd. The pastor is Rev. Alan Van Hooser and
the phone number is 409-962-1076. In lieu of flowers, the family is
asking that you make a donation to the Lakeview Campus Scholarship Fund
in c/o First UMC, Groves; P. O. Box 757; Groves, TX 77619.

______________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION_____________________
FROM Jo Mackenzie, TXCUMC  I have had several calls about the new Dove

System of Ministerial Records. Susan Keirn Kester told me that if you have
any questions or need information, here is the Web site that can help:
FROM Doris Folser, Northwest Dist. (Now Central North District)~The email

addresses for Dr. Jack R. Shelton and Doris Folser have changed; they are:
Jack Shelton, Doris Folser,
FROM Kathie Mann, Dir. PIM,

Texas Annual Conference EARLY RESPONDER Training will be offered on June
17th & July 8th for those who would like to be certified by UMCOR to
go into a disaster area to make homes and churches SAFE, SANITARY and
SECURE. Plenty of space is available in both classes! Classes will be
at First UMC in Sugarland on June 17th from 9 AM - 1 PM and at First
UMC in Navasota on July 8th from 9 AM - 1 PM. Cost is $15, which
includes a T-shirt, badge & lunch. Advanced Registration is required.
Additional T-Shirts are available for $7 each. Contact Mary Ann Hodges,
Conference Disaster Response Coordinator at
or 281-379-5091(H) or 281-546-0985 (C) for additional information
and/or a registration form.
____________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________
FROM Mary Brown, Member, Board of Managers~The Texas Conference Cooperative

School of Christian Mission is set for July 13 to 16 at Lakeview
Conference Center. Early registration ends June 22. After June 22, a $10
fee is added. Registration information is available at or on the Texas Conference Website. You can download the
flier and registration form. Or contact your church or members of United
Methodist Women. Fliers were in the Annual Conference packet given at
Conference registration.  The Spiritual Growth Study: "Shalom,
Salaam, Peace" will be taught by Rev. Marvin Hood from the Texas Conference.
Other study leaders from our conference include: Vivian Oliver (India
and Pakistan); Danny Wayman, Francis Guidry, J.D. Phillips
(Globalization) Registrar is Mitzi Hiers, 11422 Sagevale Lane, Houston, Texas
77089 (281) 481 0005. Have questions? Send email
to .
FROM Gus & Jackie Browning A

friend tells me that the Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting
enough people to click on their site daily for free mammograms for women in
need. The site is listed below. And while you are at it, there are 5
other sites listed where you can donate without cost to you to help feed
the hungry, provide healthcare for needy kids, books for needy kids,
preservation of rain forests, and animal rescue. It only takes a
minute to click on each tab, go to the top of your screen and hit the "Back"
button, click the next tab, then "Back" again, etc. to donate to any or
all of them. The donation "button" is not far from the top of each
one. Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! This doesn't cost
you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily
visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web
site! Pass it along to people you know.
FROM Rev. David Urban, Murchison,

First - Personal information belonging to more than a
million people from a Texas Guaranteed Loan company has been lost. The
information was held by a student loan corporation .... more
at: (Local NBC affiliate in
Tyler) and at (Texas
Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation) To those with student loans
handled via TG, the statement on the TG web site says that those people
affected "will receive notification by mail within the next few weeks."
But some may want to take precautions sooner than this. To find out
if your name and/or Social Security number were part of the data set on
the piece of missing equipment, call TG at (800) 530-0626. This toll-free
call center will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m. (Central Time).

EXTRAVAGANZA", with KSBJ's Mike Kankelfritz, will be held at First UMC, La
Porte, 9601 Fairmont Parkway, on July 4th. You are invited to come and
bring your family to this exciting event, as we celebrate our faith and
freedom! The fun will get underway at 3:00 and will continue through the
fireworks display. You may picnic on the grounds, or purchase food
items from various booths. Free watermelon will be provided, as well as ice
cream donated by Happy Harbor Methodist Home. The Y.M.C.A. will be
hosting Big Toys, face painting, etc. A dunking booth will provide the
opportunity to dunk the mayors of La Porte and Deer Park, and the pastors.
The bands will kick off at 5:00, and will provide entertainment until
the Pasadena fireworks begin. If your praise team/band would like to
participate in this celebration, please contact Rev. Jack Womack at
281-948-0424 or e-mail
FROM Glenna Kyker Brayton A GENTLE REMINDER that Native American Ministry does not receive funds

from Fair Share or from apportionments. The only revenue is from Native
American Sunday envelopes. It's not too late to invite your church to
share in this ministry by giving one dollar per member. What a difference
that would make! DID YOU KNOW that 19 of the 61 churches with
membership over 1000 contributed to Native American Sunday in 2005? ...that
46 churches with membership less than 1000 contributed to NA Sunday?
...that 135 churches have contributed since 2003? ...that Lake Rayburn UMC
has consistently given at least a dollar per member since 2003? ...that
Ryan's Chapel has given over $5 per member each year for the past four
years? Thanks to each of you who stopped by our booth at Annual
Conference. Let us know if you'd like information about having a
Native American team or individual visit your church for educational or
worship purposes. Glenna Kyker Brayton,,
FROM Tom Teeke NEW VERSION OF ROYCE - Version 3.9 of ROYCE

(Reporting and Organizing Youth Camp Easily) can be found at along with the instruction guide
that explains the changes and fixes. This version will track the brand
new State Certification requirement for adults to work at summer camp
and has a calculation fix. (
FROM Tom Teeke Annual Report of College Students. Please download and/or print the updated

Annual Report of College Students that the 2004 Book of Discipline
requires of all churches. The deadline for completing the report is July 15.
Complete instructions are in the PDF and can be found at This report is also required for
all charge conferences. Thank you for helping reach your students.
FROM Monroe Walker, Lakeview

The Crafts Auditorium at Lakeview is complete and in better shape than ever
following the fire caused by lightning the first part of the year.
Though only the roof burned, the interior suffered heavy water damage. The
result is we have a new roof, new ceiling and lighting, new floor, and
repainted walls. The room looks great and is already in use! Thanks to
everyone who helped with donations toward our insurance

__________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_______________________

FROM Kathie Mann, Director of Partners In Mission, Texas Annual
Conference Spend a week in beautiful Colorado working at Buckhorn Methodist Youth
camp, building a deck for one of the lodges and doing maintenance work
on other buildings. Team members are needed for June 10-18. This FUMC,
Houston team is led by Barbara Drow and you can call her at
281-961-0240 for more information.

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