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The following Prayer Concerns and Announcements were forwarded from the Area Provost's Office at the Texas Annual Conference Service Center.

Friday, January 20, 2006

________________________PRAYER CONCERNS__________________________

FROM Donna Alexander, Houston North District
Please continue to remember Audrey Barfield in your prayers. She has
suffered a serious fracture in her upper left arm. She is scheduled for
surgery on Monday, January 23rd at Methodist Hospital to insert a metal
rod. Audrey also continues her chemotherapy treatments every 3 weeks.
The Barfields are traveling back to Texarkana for the weekend and will
return to Houston on Sunday evening.
Also, please remember Dr. Daniel T. Hannon, Senior pastor of Christ
Church in the Woodlands. (See below email) Please keep Dan, Judy and
their family in your prayers.

FROM Rev. Vivian Kinnear, Minister of Spiritual Formation and
Administration, Christ Church UMC - The Woodlands
Please pray healing and peace for our senior pastor, Dr. Hannon and his
family. This week, Dan was diagnosed with renal cell cancer in his only
kidney. Surgery to remove 70% of this kidney is scheduled for February
3 at Methodist Hospital. He will also be surgically prepped to receive
dialysis. Specifically pray that the cancer is contained to the kidney;
that the doctors are able to save the 30% that seems at this time to be
cancer free; and that dialysis will only be a temporary way of life for

FROM Reverend Margaret Carrell, Smyrna UMC
Would you please add Debra Cline to our prayer circle. She is the
pianist at White Oak United Methodist Church. Her eighteen-month-old
granddaughter, Avery, has been diagnosed with RTS, Rubenstein Taybi Syndrome.
The family is in shock and needs many prayers for their strength,
wisdom, guidance, and stability.



_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

______________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS_________________________

FROM Rev. J. C. Dorman, Central United Methodist Church
On Tuesday, January 24th at 10:00 AM, our first "Senior Happening" will
begin for persons age 55 years and older. It will be a weekly event
that will feature fun activities, games, arts and crafts, etc. and
conclude with a simple lunch at 12:00 noon. All are invited to attend and
there is no charge. The church is located on the corner of 33rd Street and
Avenue O 1/2 in Galveston. For more information call the church phone
at 409-762-2138 or email

FROM Mac Vaughn
United Methodist Motorcycle Enthusiasts [Cypress & the greater Houston
Area]- Chapter Dedication & Bike Blessing Sunday January 29, 2006
@11am. Ministry Activity Center Cypress United Methodist Church 13403
Cypress N. Houston Road, Cypress.
All motorcycle enthusiasts are welcome, regardless of denomination
or church affiliation. We will gather around 8:30 to 8:45am and line up
and display the bikes in the front of the Ministry Activity Center.
January Ride: January 28th - 8:00am - Skeeters- 290 and 1960 route
will ride the Yankee's Trail towards Carlos, Texas.

FROM FROM Tom Teekell, SFA Wesley Foundation (
SFA Wesley's website ( now has a "Missing Alumni"
page. It lists all the people that we used to have addresses for but have
moved over the years.If you know how to contact anyone listed on the
page (or you are on the page!), please email me so I can follow up.

________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM Jo Mackenzie, TXCUMC
A major film, called "End of the Spear," begins showing in local
theaters today. It begins in an Ecuadorian jungle in 1956, with the spearing
death of five Christian missionaries who were attempting to bring the
gospel to the Waodani stone-age people. A tragedy? Yes, but God turns
everything to good, for the blessing of many and for His glory, and this
was no exception.
God used this tragedy to motivate more people to become missionaries
than any other event in modern history -- perhaps ever. He also used
two women to complete the work of the five martyred missionaries,
bringing the Waodani to himself. So the deaths of those five men did more to
advance the kingdom of God than their lives ever could.
But the story doesn't end there. God is about to use the tragedy to
help hundreds of thousands -- maybe millions-- to come to know Christ
in our day, using "The End of the Spear." You can help - by praying for
the film's success, attending yourself and by helping to spread the
word. Tell all of your friends and neighbors to attend the movie.

FROM Gus Browning
I have some friends who lost their only child to cancer and seek each
year to raise funds for childhood cancer prevention by shaving their
heads in a program conducted by a Foundation called, in jest but
appropriately, "The St. Baldricks Society". They always send me "shaven" photos.
The organizer of St. Baldrick's, Robyn Raphael, who also lost a son
to childhood cancer, is one of three women in an on-line voting contest
sponsored by NBC's "Today" show. If she could win, it would generate a
lot of valuable publicity for this childhood cancer fighting
I invite everyone to go to and
vote for Robyn. You will NOT be asked for a contribution nor put on
future email lists. It takes just a few moments to go the site and click
on Robyn's photo, the one on the bottom. Voting ends at 9:00 pm ET
today, Friday, Jan. 20. The winner will be announced on the "Today" show
in Feb. during the Winter Olympics.

FROM Connie Scroggins, Ministry Assistant, FUMC, Daingerfield
First United Methodist Church at 306 Scurry in Daingerfield is hosting
the Southern Gospel Quartet, "Praise, Inc.," on Sunday, January 22nd at
6:00 p.m. Admission is free, but a love offering will be taken. Please
join us!

FROM Jill Krone, Director for Communications, Henderson First UMC,
Christian singer/songwriter, Kelly Lindsley, will lead in an evening of
praise to God in song on Sunday, January 22 at 6:30 pm at First UMC,
Henderson. Invite your friends
and family to join you for this inspiring event. his is a free concert
open to church and community. For more information, contact the church
office at 903.657.6588

Also, "2 Moms" featured in Upcoming Conference at Henderson FUMC!
Sharon Lovejoy Autry and Laurie Lovejoy Hillard will be at Henderson
First UMC on Monday, January 23, at 7:00 PM, as part of the "Mom and
Loving It!" Conference. Both authors, speakers, and singers, they are
credited with inspiring moms of all ages to find contentment in REAL
Tickets are $10 each. Contact Betty Tyson or Mollie Bryan at
903.657.6588 for more information!

_______________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR________________________

FROM Todd Jordon
Register now for the Order of Elders Retreat January 31-February 2 at
Lakeview. Featured speaker Susan Beaumont of the Alban Institute will
speak on authenticity and servanthood in the context of our faith story.
Guest singer/composer Ken Medema will also be present to share his gift
of music. Contact registrar Todd Jordan at
for more information.

FROM Ruby Nelson
CLERGY- If you are currently under appointment or think you may be
under appointment soon, you are required to attend a workshop on clergy
sexual harassment/misconduct. Most of you have fulfilled that requirement
in recent years. But if you have not, please contact me for
information about upcoming workshops. The dates are Saturday, March 18th and
Saturday, March 25th.

_____________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES__________________

_______________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED__________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website: Thank

FROM Diana Hearn, Exec. Dir., Shalom Mobile Health Ministry
JOB OPENING: Licensed Vocational Nurse, Full time
QUALIFICATIONS: Must be bilingual (Eng/Span); current license in the
State of Texas as LVN; primary care or clinic exp. desired; computer
skills a must; immunization exp. with adults/children desired; will train
for phlebotomy certification. Looking for a high energy, multi-tasking
nurse with a love of community health for diverse people in need.
DUTIES: assist Family Nurse Practitioner with low-income primary-care
patients in busy
mobile clinic
HOURS: Monday-Thursday 7:30a-5:30p; must be available to work at least
3 or 4 weekends per year.
Paid health insurance, vacation/holiday/sick time, pension plan,
continuing ed.
Fax resume to 713-926-3948 or e-mail to

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

FROM Pat Travers, Tyler District UMC, Office: 903.593.1861
Flint UMC in the Tyler District is seeking a console organ for a small
rural church with a
Great organist.

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