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The following Prayer Concerns and Announcements were forwarded from the Area Provost's Office at the Texas Annual Conference Service Center.

Monday, August 14, 2006

_________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________

FROM Jo Mackenzie, TXCUMC~
Giovanna LaFleur, Adm. Asst. in the Center for Congregational
Excellence, is undergoing tests for a breast malignancy. Please be in prayer
that the doctors will be able to treat this so she will have the best
possible results.

FROM Elaine @ Stewart MUMC- Buffalo, TX~
Susie Teddlie may come home from the hospital next week. PRAISE the
LORD for her progress is due to prayer and skilled doctors provided by

FROM Julia Miller~
My husband, Rev. William "Buddy" Miller," has been diagnosed with
Hepatitis C and is undergoing treatments. We would appreciate your prayers.

FROM Rev. Kabamba Kiboko~
Please pray for peace and safety in the Republic Democratic of Congo
after the elections. The rebel leaders are threatening to kill people if
Mr. Jean Pierre Bemba is not elected. Mr. Bemba is a rebel leader
responsible for massive killings in the Congo. Over 5 millions Congolese
have died in the past 8 years. he results of the July 30th presidential
election will be announced on August 20th.
This was the first free election in the Congo Democratic Republic
since independence 45 years ago. There were 33 presidential candidates;
8,650 for the congress for only 500 parliamentary seats. Please pray.

FROM Donna Alexander, Central South District~
The Reverend Bettie Jo Hightower, Senior Pastor of St. Timothy's UMC in
Houston, has requested prayer. She is fighting a virus and is very
uncomfortable. She is at home recovering.
Please keep B. J. in your prayers for healing.

FROM Central North District~
Prayer Request for Rev. Marty Vershel. He was taken to Methodist
Hospital last night experiencing chest pain. No word at this time on his


FROM Sam "Skippy" Hopkins, Ph.D. (brother), Retired member Southwest
conference - ~
Beverly Ann Todd, one of the faithful church and past staff members of
Gethsemane UMC in Houston, died on 8/4/06 from renal failure. Funeral
services were held on August 8, after which her home church had a
catered Bar-B-Que dinner for all the friends and family to celebrate
Beverly's life.
Reverend William Newcomb officiated and private interment took place
at the Houston National Cemetery.

FROM Donna Alexander, Central South District~
Mr. Lewis S. Reed, father of Rev. Will Reed, Pastor of the Milby UMC,
has passed away following a long illness. Services will be held on
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 1:30pm at the 1st UMC in Lake Jackson. Burial
is scheduled for Wednesday at 11:30am at their family farm.

___________________________CONFERENCE NEWS_______________________

FROM David Meeker-Willaims~
Clergy Gathering '06 welcomes Dr. Craig Gilliam as presenter and Dr.
Zan Holmes as preacher, September 26--27 at Lakeview. Craig Gilliam,
Director of the Center for Pastoral Effectiveness in the Louisiana
Conference, will be talking about "Rediscovering Your Passion for Ministry."
Zan Holmes, one of the truly great preachers of our generation, will
inspire us and challenge us. Bishop Huie invites you to a conversation
and will celebrate communion Wednesday evening.
In an abbreviated format, we will convene Tuesday afternoon and have
communion together at the end of Wednesday afternoon. Those who can
stay for the evening will enjoy fellowship and some special worship
Go to the conference website at for more information and
registration materials.

____________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM Kenneth Tielke, President, UMMen, Texas Annual Conference, H
There will be an organizational meeting of the new "NORTH DISTRICT"
UMMen at Linden UMC in the Sanctuary on Saturday, August 19, from 3:00 -
4:30 pm. We will adopt new district UMM bylaws and elect and install new
officers. All the men from every church in the new North District are
invited and encouraged to attend, as well as all the clergy of the

FROM Pastor Joe Cortinas of Beneke Memorial UMC~
Everyone is invited to our Revival services on Fri., Aug. 18th & Sat.,
the 19th at 7:00 P.M. Now is the time to experience the move of God in
the church in regards to Hispanic Ministries for our Conference. We are
pleased that Rev. Abraham Ramirez, Pastor of Old River Terrace UMC,
will be our guest speaker both nights. Worship will be led by the "Band'
Friday and by the Beneke Praise group Saturday. Fellowship and
refreshments will follow both services..

FROM Kenneth Tielke, President, UMMen, Texas Annual Conference, H
There will be an organizational meeting of the new "NORTHWEST DISTRICT"
UMMen at Lanes Chapel UMC, Tyler, in the Sanctuary on Sunday, August
20, from 3:00 - 4:30 pm. We will adopt new district UMM bylaws and elect
and install new officers. All the men from every church in the new
Northwest District are invited and encouraged to attend, as well as all the
clergy of the district.

FROM Kelli Snider, Administrative Asst.~
Revival at the First UMC in Center, Texas - August 27th, 28th, & 29th -
7:00 p.m.
Guest Speakers:
Sunday, August 27th - Carol Clifford Turner
Monday, August 28th - Garry Masterson
Tuesday, August 29th - Jerry Neff
Finger Foods after service...

FROM Jan Imig, GHLES Design Team~
Register now for Greater Houston Leadership Education School. GHLES
2006 takes place September 9 at Memorial Drive UMC. Presenters from across
the Conference will highlight this year's theme "Leading from the
Heart." Keynote speaker is Dr. Charles B. Simmons, senior minister of
Memorial Drive UMC. "Chuck", as he likes to be called, is known nationally as
a dynamic preacher, dedicated pastor and respected leader among
Methodists. For information on workshops and registration, go to

FROM Rev. Wineva Hankamer~
September 15-16 Mission Forum to be Sign Language Interpreted!
The Passport To Mission Event for September 15-16, 2006, at the
Woodlands UMC, will feature Bishop Janice Riggle Huie and Dr. Robert Hunt from
Perkins School of Theology. Plenary sessions and workshops will be sign
language interpreted, so please spread the word among your hard of
hearing, Deaf, and late-deafened members who might like to attend. The cost
is $45; register online at the Texas Conference webpage,, Partners in Mission section. Questions? contact Rev. Wineva Hankamer,, or 281 360-4500, or Kathie Mann at 713 521-9383,

_________________________YOUTH NEWS & VIEWS_______________________

FROM Jennifer Meismer, Youth Director, Sweeny FUMC~
Sweeny First UMC would like to invite you to attend a concert on August
A word of caution...this is not a praise--and-worship-style concert.
This is a Rock/Post Hardcore/Christian-style show...Very Loud and
rowdy.The youth will love it. Adults may want ear plugs.
For an idea of the style of music that will be played, you can look
up each band at: - -
We are being assisted in hosting this event by Wigwam Radio
Cost is $5 at the door. Snack foods and beverages will be available

______________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED___________________

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

FROM Carmen Rickel, Bellville UMC~
We are currently using Power Church for membership and finances and
could use some help from others who are using the system. If your church
is using this program, please contact Donna in our church office
979-865-5976, bumc@industryinet.con

FROM Jim Jackson~
We have a set of 6 brass communion trays and 2 bread plates to dontate
to anyone who needs them. Please contact Dickinson First UMC at
281-534-3511 or email Jim Jackson at

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