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The following Prayer Concerns and Announcements were forwarded from the Area Provost's Office at the Texas Annual Conference Service Center.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

_________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________

FROM Anna Rohde, North Dist.~
Rev. John Cheney of Kilgore Crossroads UMC suffered a stroke last week
and is home recuperating.
The mother-in-law of Rev. Jim Jones, Daingerfield UMC, is
experiencing loss of pulse in her leg and foot.


FROM Anna Rohde, North Dist.~
The mother of Rev. Chuck Schoon, Noonday/Scottsville, passed away this
week at her nursing home in Gilmer.

___________________________CONFERENCE NEWS_______________________

____________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM John T. King~
Ellen Thompson, long-time Conference employee in the Board of Pensions
office, will be 81 years old on August 22. I know that Ellen would
appreciate your cards to 4015 Duval, Houston 77087-1312, or your calls to

FROM Rev. Tommy Williams~
Woodville UMC Fall Revival welcomes the Rev. Jerry House Jr. -
September 17-19 at 7:00pm each night. Woodville is located halfway between
Beaumont and Lufkin on Hwy 69 and halfway between Livingston and Jasper on
Hwy 190. The church is on Hwy 190 West, 2 blocks from the courthouse.

FROM Pastor Dr. J. B. Morris~
Rockhill UMC, located at 651 Fm 1794 W in Joinerville, TX, is having a
revival Oct. 1-4. Revival schedule:
Sun. Oct. 1 - 9:00 am - Dr. J. B Morris, pastor, will preach,
followed by homecoming
events and a covered-dish luncheon
Mon., Oct. 2 - 6:30 pm - Guest preacher is Dr. Keith Whitaker, East
Superintendent/Guest choir - Charthage First UMC. Refreshments
Tues., Oct. 3 - 6:30 pm - Guest preacher is Dr. Jerry Neff, North
Superintendent/Guest choir - Henderson First UMC. Refreshments
Wed., Oct. 4 - 6:30 pm - Witnessing & Testimony, with individual
congregational gosepl singing. Refreshments follow.
For more information, please call Pastor Dr. J. B. Morris at

FROM Kenneth Tielke, President, UMMen, Texas Annual Conference, H
There will be an organizational meeting of the new "NORTH DISTRICT"
UMMen at Linden UMC in the Sanctuary on Saturday, August 19, from 3:00 -
4:30 pm. We will adopt new district UMM bylaws and elect and install new
officers. All the men from every church in the new North District are
invited and encouraged to attend, as well as all the clergy of the

FROM Kenneth Tielke, President, UMMen, Texas Annual Conference, H
There will be an organizational meeting of the new "NORTHWEST DISTRICT"
UMMen at Lanes Chapel UMC, Tyler, in the Sanctuary on Sunday, August
20, from 3:00 - 4:30 pm. We will adopt new district UMM bylaws and elect
and install new officers. All the men from every church in the new
Northwest District are invited and encouraged to attend, as well as all the
clergy of the district.

FROM Kelli Snider, Administrative Asst.~
Revival at the First UMC in Center, Texas - August 27th, 28th, & 29th -
7:00 p.m.
Guest Speakers:
Sunday, August 27th - Carol Clifford Turner
Monday, August 28th - Garry Masterson
Tuesday, August 29th - Jerry Neff
Finger Foods after service...

_________________________YOUTH NEWS & VIEWS_______________________

FROM Jennifer Meismer, Youth Director, Sweeny FUMC~
Sweeny First UMC would like to invite you to attend a concert on August
A word of caution...this is not a praise--and-worship-style concert.
This is a Rock/Post Hardcore/Christian-style show...Very Loud and
rowdy.The youth will love it. Adults may want ear plugs.
For an idea of the style of music that will be played, you can look
up each band at: - -
We are being assisted in hosting this event by Wigwam Radio
Cost is $5 at the door. Snack foods and beverages will be available

________________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE_______________________

FROM John W. Harrington, SE TX Dist. Restorative Justice Coordinator~
Travis Chevis, 650 Eucid St., Beumont, TX 77705 --- Phone
409-813-2710, age 27
Allen Hancock, 3720 Magnolia Apartment 109, Beaumont, TX 77703 -
Age 20 -

Notice: We are initiating an all-church effort called "Prodical
Party"-- whereas each church will take a newly released person that has been
incarcerated, that is somehow affiliated with THAT local church
(grandchild, etc.), out to dinner to celebrate their release. This is an effort
to help put local churches into involvement and start an aftercare
action program. Please prayfully consider starting this much-needed
Christian action program in your local church.

______________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED___________________

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

FROM Carmen Rickel, Bellville UMC~
We are currently using Power Church for membership and finances and
could use some help from others who are using the system. If your church
is using this program, please contact Donna in our church office
979-865-5976, bumc@industryinet.con

FROM Jim Jackson~
We have a set of 6 brass communion trays and 2 bread plates to dontate
to anyone who needs them. Please contact Dickinson First UMC at
281-534-3511 or email Jim Jackson at

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