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The following Prayer Concerns and Announcements were forwarded from the Area Provost's Office at the Texas Annual Conference Service Center.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

__________________________PRAYER CONCERNS_________________________

FROM Thomas Hill~
The Reverend Darwin Andrus, long-time member of the Texas Conference,
is hospitalized at Memorial Southwest in Room 623. He and his wife Hilda
are preparing to move to Arlington in the near future to be nearer
family. They currently reside at Clarewood House and Darwin would be
grateful to know that he and Hilda are being remembered in your prayers.

FROM Rev. Cindy Hinson, Conroe-St. Paul UMC~
Please keep in your prayers the Rev. Marvin Agnew, who is having open
heart surgery, anticipating a triple-bypass along with angioplasty and
insertion of a stint in one of his carotid arteries tomorrow, July 7, at
Methodist Hospital in the Houston Medical Center. Prior to surgery, his
room is on tenth floor Dunn Tower on the west side.
Dolores Agnew, Marvin's wife, will be spending the night tonight at
Methodist and will be there all day tomorrow. Thank you for your
thoughts and prayers.

__________________________CONFERENCE NEWS_______________________


Summer (July and August) office hours for the United Methodist
Center of the Texas Annual Conference will be:

7:30 - 4:30 Monday through
Closed Fridays



____________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM Rev. Carol Bruse, Associate Director, Center for Clergy
Excellence, TXCUMC~
CLERGY: If you haven't yet registered in the new Dove ministerial
record system, and you have an e-mail address, it's easy to do. Simply send
an e-mail to York Technical Solutions at from
your e-mail address, including your full name. York will return your
e-mail with a link and full instructions. Once you are in the system,
correct the information you can. However, at this point, don't be concerned
about incorrect data the system will not let you correct. Districts
will be trained to correct that information later this month. Thank you
for your time!

FROM Mary Brown, Member, Board of Managers~
IT IS NOT TOO LATE to register for The Texas Conference Cooperative
School of Christian Mission that is set for July 13--16 at Lakeview
Conference Center. Early registration ended June 22, but you can still
register. (A $10 fee is added.)
Registration information is available at,
or the Texas Conference Website,, or on You may download the flier and
registration form.
The Spiritual Growth Study, "Shalom, Salaam, Peace," will be taught
by Rev.
Marvin Hood from the Texas Conference. Other study leaders include:
Vivian Oliver (India and Pakistan); Danny Wayman, Francis Guidry, J.D.
Phillips (Globalization).
Registrar is Mitzi Hiers, 11422 Sagevale Lane, Houston, Texas 77089
481 0005. For questions, send email to:

FROM Lois Boyles~
I have received an email requesting blood donors with B+ blood to
donate to the Gulf Coast Blood Bank in time for a July 17th surgery for a
woman who is pregnant and has a severe condition of the placenta
attaching to her internal organs (kidneys, etc.). For more info, contact:
Connie Lee Leach at

FROM Nanette Radke~
CORRECTION to the CROSS CONNECTION article regarding the "Be Still"
Benedictine Silence Workshop to be lead by Rev. Beverly Tune on July 19.
The workshop will be held at the Cramer Retreat Center, 1800 Meadow
Edge Lane in Spring. For more information please call 281-350-1355 or

________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM Sarah Smith~
The Agape Singers Youth Choir of Houston’s Memorial Drive UMC will
present the new rock opera "!Hero," with multi-projection screens, dancers,
actors and live band. Dress rehearsals will be Thursday & Friday, July
6 & 7, and a feature performance on Saturday, July 8. All performances
begin at 7 p.m., are free and open to the public and will be in the
church’s gymnasium, located on the east side of the church’s campus.
Memorial Drive UMC is located at 12955 Memorial Drive, just west of
Beltway 8, between the Beltway and Wilcrest Drive.

FROM Kathie Mann, PIM Dir.~
EARLY RESPONDER Training will be offered on July 8th for those who
would like to be certified by UMCOR to go into a disaster area to make
homes and churches SAFE, SANITARY and SECURE. Plenty of space is available
in the class!
Class will be at First UMC in Navasota from 9 AM - 1 PM. Cost is
$15, which includes a T-shirt, badge & lunch. Advanced Registration is
required. Additional T-Shirts are available for $7 each.
Contact Mary Ann Hodges, Conference Disaster Response Coordinator at or 281-379-5091(H) or 281-546-0985 (C) for
additional information and/or a registration form.

_________________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE_______________________

________________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED_________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website:
In addition, if you are seeking a position that involves working
with children or youth in any capacity, bear in mind that if accepted, you
will be required to be certified through the Conference's Safe
Sanctuary policy. Thank you.

FROM Russell Hall, Pastor, Edom UMC~
Edom UMC is looking for a part-time Director for our Crow's Nest
preschool program. This program currently operates on Wednesdays and
Thursdays during the school year. Candidates for this position will be
required to have a background check and be Safe Sanctuary certified.
Qualifications should include experience with church schools or preschools.
Interested candidates should mail their resume to Edom UMC, 8430 FM
279, Brownsboro, TX 75756 or direct phone inquiries to 903-852-7181.

FROM Roandl Sunderland~
The Methodist Hospital Department of Spiritual Care and Education
announces three openings in the department’s ‘extended unit’ program
beginning in September, 2006. The program offers one quarter of CPE training
spread over the period from September through May 2007.
The program consists of a one-day-per-week commitment on the part of
participants, and involves both didactic presentations and nursing unit
assignments. Successful candidates will take part in the teaching
program offered to full-time CPE Residents, and will work alongside both
Residents and permanent staff chaplains of the department. The program is
open to both pastors, and to laypeople seeking pastoral care training
whom pastors may recommend.
Enquiries may be directed to the Rev. Ron Sunderland, Interim
Manager of the hospital’s CPE program. Apply by phone (713-441-6067) or

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

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