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The following Prayer Concerns and Announcements were forwarded from the Area Provost's Office at the Texas Annual Conference Service Center.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

__________________________PRAYER CONCERNS_______________________

FROM Bill Smale, retired Minister out of the Tyler District~
Our good friend Darel Palm needs our prayers. He is having a biopsy of
his prostrate next Thursday. Both he and his wife Jean need to feel
God's power of prayer.

FROM Christmas Wilbur~
My sister has gone to visit with Dale Mallard at the VA hospital in
Temple. She reports that he appears to be making progress, but as with
head injuries, it will be slow. He is now on Floor 4K and in room 107. The
phone number there is 254-778-4811. I hope the information is useful
for those who do not know he changed hospitals.

FROM Charlotte Newton, President - Texas Conference United Methodist
To: United Methodist Church Family and Friends,
Please hold Shirley Thomas, Houston North District President in your
prayers. She will be undergoing surgery for a tumor located in the
bladder. Shirley had a difficult night and is returning to her doctor today
for treatment.
Also include in your prayers, Mae Bell Anderson, Houston North
District Vice President, who will be having surgery and is undergoing test.
Prayers are needed as well for Joyce Livingston, Houston North
District Mission Coordinator who is ill.


_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

FROM Kathie Mann, Director, Partners In Mission~
This is an invitation to a workshop designed for clergy, lay ministers,
and faith-based volunteers dealing with hurricane victims.
The topic is: "Responding to the Mental Health Needs of Houston's
Hurricane-Impacted Residents: The Role of the Faith Community." $20
includes materials and meals, as well as CEU's for clergy.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 9am to 2pm - St. Anne’s Catholic Church;
Parish Center, 2nd Floor; St. Christopher Room; 2140 Westheimer Road;
Houston, TX 77098 (near Greenbriar)
You may register for the workshop on-line at
or contact MHA at 713-523-8963 for
more information. Please share this with faith-based organizations that
may be interested.

_________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS______________________

FROM Richard Laster~
United Methodist missionaries Juan and Nydia de Dios Jara will be in
Houston the week following March 11th. Several dates are open on their
calendar. Their assignment is currently in Chile. oth are great
inspirational speakers who can tell the story of mission outreach from their
own experience. For information please contact Texas Conference
Secretary of Global Ministry Richard Laster at 713 - 468 - 3276 or

FROM Tom Teekell ~
The 2006 Spring Edition of the Wesleyan Witness is online at: If you'd like a hardcopy of
the newsletter, email me your address and I'll send you one.

________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM Rev. Robert E. McGee~
Trinity United Methodist Church, 2600 Holman Street in Houston, will
celebrate Founder's Day now through March 5. "Trinity 141 Years -
Remembering and Celebrating Our Heritage" is the celebration theme. The
schedule of events is as follows:
March 3: Founder's Day Gala, which includes a silent auction,
beginning at 5 p.m., with dinner at 7 p.m.
March 4: Dr. Cain Hope Felder, theologian, writer and professor of
the Howard University School of Divinity, will present a workshop on
prayer and sacrifice, and will host a review of his book, Seasons of Lent.
The Saturday event is set for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and includes breakfast
and lunch.
March 5: Founder's Day worship service begins at 10 a.m., with Dr.
Cain Hope Felder preaching.

FROM Calvin Capps~
San Augustine FUMC is celebrating its 44th Mission Conference on March
2-5. We will have an evening service each night at 7:00 pm. The Mission
Store will be at the church from 10:00 - 4:00 on Saturday, as well as
the PET Project being demonstrated for the youth at 1:00 on Saturday.
If your church, or youth group would be interested in attending any
of our activities, please call our church at 936-275-2246 or email and she (Dee Capps) will email you a schedule of
Three of our missionaries are from OMS International: David & Carol
Cosby, serving in Venezuela, and Randy Coleman, serving in Ecuador. We
will have the P.E.T. Project team demonstrating the process of
assembling and building P.E.T.s. (For those of you who may not be familiar with
this project, these are all-terrain wheelchairs that are built in
Luling, Tx. and sent by Mercy Ships overseas). We hope to see you at our

FROM Mary Brown, Communication Coordinator, Texas Conference United
Methodist Women~
The Texas Conference United Methodist Women will honor 50 years of
ordination of Clergy Women during their Spring Celebration on March 3 and 4
at Lakeview Methodist Conference Center. The Keynote speaker of the
event is Dr. Jan Love, Deputy General Seceratry of the Women's Division.
Eleven clergy women will share their stories during the weekend: Dr.
Karen Dorris, Revs. Perrie Joy Jackson, Bettie Jo Hightower, Linda O'Neal,
Lois Boyles, Velosia Kibe, Barbara Robberson, Donna Brown, Bonnie
Eaves, Lesie Bledsoe, and Wanda Bess. Complete information and registration
can be downloaded from the web site:
Registrar is Frances Jackson (281) 499-6675 or
Clergywomen of the conference are extended a special invitation to attend.
Please note that registration for the Banquet on Friday night is now
closed, however, late registration to remaining events is still

FROM Donna V. Adair, Director of Communications, St. Paul's UMC,
Being One - A Marriage Seminar at St. Paul's UMC
A marriage seminar for engaged and newly married couples will be at
St. Paul's United Methodist Church on Saturday, March 4, from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m.
Among topics examined will be the natural stages of married to deal with the inevitable and necessary conflicts that arise
between two persons who are close - intimacy - money and sex - respect,
reciprocity, and shared responsibilities as keys to marital satisfaction.
Seminar leaders are Dr. Sherry Beeman and Dr. Bill Kerley. Married
to each other, both are a former president of the Houston Association of
Marriage and Family Therapists, and Kerley twice has received their
Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to community and
professional well-being.
The seminar is open to anyone in the community, regardless of
religious affiliation or interest. The $60/copule fee includes lunch and
childcare. For more information, contact, Rev. Gail Williford at or 713-528-0527.

FROM Donna V. Adair, Director of Communications, St. Paul's UMC,
Dr. Martin E. Marty, one of the world’s most prominent interpreters of
religion and culture, will be the speaker at St. Paul’s United
Methodist Church for the first J. Robert Nelson Lecture Series on Interfaith
and Ecumenical Solutions for Peace and Justice.
Free of charge and open to the public, the lectures and times are:
- "The Hard Line and All the Other Lines in Religion" at 6 p.m.
Sunday, March 5
- "International Generosity and Hospitality among Faiths" at 7
p.m. Mon., March 6
Author of more than 50 books, Dr. Marty is a nationally sought-after
speaker, columnist, pastor, and teacher. He is the Fairfax M. Cone
Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago
Divinity School. He also was the first director of The Institute for the
Advanced Study of Religion at the University of Chicago, and the center was
renamed for him in 1998. In 1997, he was the first religion scholar to
be honored with a National Humanities Medal at a White House ceremony
when he was recognized for efforts to help diverse communities of faith
understand each other.

FROM StorySong Ministries and MDUMC~
Matt Neely and his band will be live in concert at Memorial Drive UMC
this Sunday, March 5th, from 6:30-8pm in the sanctuary. Matt will be
releasing his newest worship cd entitled "from broken me to beautiful
You". Tickets are still available at the $5 pre-sale price. Tickets will
be $7 at the door. We hope you'll come and worship with us!

_________________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR_______________________

FROM Jill Krone, Director for Communications, FUMC, Henderson, Texas~
Celebration Women’s Ministry of First UMC Henderson (204 North Marshall
in Henderson, Texas) is hosting Rachel Norris, master potter, on
Tuesday night, March 7 at 7 pm. Rachel is a master potter and business owner
with an unique way of sharing her testimony, Life in the Hands of the
Potter - one woman’s journey to Kingdom living. Enjoy hearing how God
has shaped and molded Rachel’s life while watching her create her
beautiful pottery. Refreshments and childcare will be provided. All women are
invited and encouraged to celebrate God through this night of creative
ministry. For more information, contact FUMC Henderson at 903.657.6588.

FROM Jill Krone, Director for Communications, FUMC, Henderson, Texas~
Concert features America’s Singing Ambassadors...The Centenary College
Choir will present a free concert at First UMC Henderson (204 N.
Marshall in Henderson, Texas) on Friday, March 10 at 7 pm. What a great
chance to enjoy an evening of wonderful music! Contact the church office at
903.657.6588 for details or directions.

FROM Don. G. White ~
Marriage Encounter-United Methodist weekend coming up soon---
What would stronger marriages mean for your church and its families?
What if there was a way to significantly drop the divorce rate of
couples in your church?
Marriage Encounter has over 25 years in helping couples enhance their
communication and strengthen their relationships, and there is
documented effectiveness. The National Institute for Family Study reports that
the divorce rate for couples attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend is
just 2% versus the 50% rate as a national average. They also report that
the Weekend experience benefits not only the couple and their marriage,
but also has a positive effect on family communication and parenting.
The Marriage Encounter weekends are an enriching experience for
husbands and wives to learn more effective communication in a private,
couple-centered atmosphere.
Marriage Encounter-United Methodist is the oldest marriage-related
Affiliate Member of the General Board of Discipleship of The United
Methodist Church and is one of the marriage resources of our church.
Registrations are currently being taken for the Marriage Encounter-United
Methodist Weekend to be held in Houston on March 10-12, 2006. For
information contact: Becky and Nick Munger at 281-360-3646 or e-mail at

FROM Ms. Juanita Jackson, ELCC Committee Chair ~
April 7, 2006 is the proposal deadline for the Spring 2006 grant
cycle. Ethnic churches and churches in transition that meet the criteria
are urged to apply.
Grant application and criteria can be downloaded from the Conference
Website:, link to Ministries (Committee on Ethnic Local
Church Concerns)
All completed proposals should be received by:
Mrs. Pam Woody, 16111 Second Street,
Channelview, TX 77530 on or before the deadline
of April 7, 2006.
For additional information, please contact : Ms. Juanita Jackson,
ELCC Committee
Chair, at (713) 743-5385 or (713) 523-6392.

FROM Annette Breazeale, Registrar~
The 5-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation sponsored by the Texas
Conference Committe on Spiritual Formation - April 23-28 at Lakeview
Conference Center - $50 deposit due by March 15.
Cost for double occupancy - $350
(3) CEU's for $15 fee
FACULTY: Dr. Glenn Hinson and Robert Benson
The 5-Day Academy is an Upper Room Ministries retreat for lay and
clergy to experience God in an intentional Christian community, a time
for spiritual renewal, fellowship, study and rest.
Contact: Annette Breazeale, registrar at or

FROM Randy Young, Pastor~
Wesley UMC at 7225 Homestead Houston, 77028, is having their Winter
Revival. Please mark your calender. Dates are March 27, 28, 29, and
further information will follow.

FROM Margaret Scott, the Administrative Assistant ~
Reverend Kendall Graham, the Pastor of Boynton Chapel United Methodist
Church located at 2812 Milby in Houston, TX 77004, would like to take a
group to Jamaica on July 21-28, 2006 to help complete a Dental Clinic.
Also, the trip will include Vacation Bible School at a local church.
The total package will be $1,300.00. Any interested persons, please
contact Margaret Scott, the Administrative Assistant at the Church Office
(713) 748-6066 or E-mail at to arrange a group
meeting with Reverend Kendall Graham to discuss the trip.

FROM Jill Krone, Director for Communications, FUMC, Henderson, Texas~
Celebrate Recovery: A Christ-centered approach to recovery based upon
eight principles from the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). Celebrate Recovery is
a safe place to talk in confidence about the deep issues of our lives,
find encouragement and healing, and to seek help from God and from
others. Although it is similar to 12-step recovery programs like AA and
NA, it is not just limited to drug and alcohol addiction issues. Everyone
who is looking for help is encouraged to attend this ministry of First
United Methodist Church (204 North Marshall, Henderson, Texas). For
more information, please contact Rev. David Brasher at 903.657.6588.

FROM General Board of Global Ministries~
Congregational Health & Wellness
Reserve October 8-11, 2006 for the second annual health and wellness
conference sponsored by the General Board of Global Ministries Health and
Wellness - Congregation Health Ministries team.
"Empowering Ministries of Health: Transform, Mobilize, Advocate" is
the focus this year's conference. The event, which will be held in
Memphis, Tenn., promises to provide many "how to's" for those working for
health and wellness in their annual conferences and local churches. For
more information, visit the GBGM Web site at

_____________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES__________________

_______________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED__________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website: Thank

FROM Dr. Richard L. White~-
Tomball United Methodist Church is searching for a full-time (40
hours/week) Director of Caring Ministries. Applicants must have demonstrated
leadership and communication skills; the ability to organize systems
that enable caring for and caring through the laity; be a self-starter,
team builder and motivator; with gifts of compassion and mercy. Please
fax resume in care of Dr. Richard L. White, or email resume to: by March 15, 2006.

FROM E.B. Beasley, Jr., Sr. Pastor, Terrace UMC~
Help Wanted - Part-time Secretary
Terrace UMC is looking for a Church Secretary. 25 hours per week,
Salary: $11 per hour. Necessary computer skills include : Word, Excel and
Publisher and the ability to learn other software. The job includes
Worship Guides, newsletters, letters, phone responsibilities and other
office tasks. For more information and for an application, call Carolyn at
Terrace UMC: 1203 Wirt Road, Houston, 77055. - 713.686.4328.

FROM Bob Webb~
A dynamic and Christ-centered congregation located in a high-growth
part of Houston, Texas, Westminster United Methodist Church, is looking
for a dynamic, Christ-centered person to serve as our full-time Director
of Youth and Family Ministries. The responsibilities will include
working closely with the pastor in directing both children and youth
ministries. A college graduate with 2 or more years' experience in both youth
and children/family ministries is most desired. Please submit resume
and reference to Bob Webb at Westminster United Methodist Church, 5801
San Felipe, Houston, 77057; or email; or FAX: 713-977-0340.

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

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