New Hope

Christian Podcast Directory - Audio and Video Godcasting 

The following Prayer Concerns and Announcements were forwarded from the Area Provost's Office at the Texas Annual Conference Service Center.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

__________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________

FROM Lufkin Dist.~
Jamie Lea's (St.Pauls, Lufkin) brother, Bobby Lea, started cancer
treatments on April 10th. Please keep him and his wife Ruth in your prayers.
The treatment will last until June.



_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

___________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM Wesley UMC , 7225 Homestead, in northeast Houston~
We invite all believers to join us in our Annual Good Friday Service,
at 7 p.m. The Thespians of Wesley will dramatize "Witness of the Light,"
by Rev. John Park, directed by Annie Ford. This is a dramatic worship
service that shows the true joy of the resurrection. Wesley will be
joined by guest performers from Lane Chapel CME. Church: Clarence Shaw,
director of music and Randy Young, pastoral minister. We welcome your

FROM Jackie Vaughan, Director, Media Grants and Services, Igniting
Grant monies available -
A reminder that the next application round for Igniting Ministry
matching media grants begins May 1- June 1. This will cover both
Back-to-School and Advent advertising seasons.
Apply for one or both. Information and an application can be
downloaded at www.igniting and
click on matching grants. Media grants will cover 50% of the approved
purchase for TV/Cable, billboard, cinema or radio.
Igniting Ministry Media Services team can also furnish estimates,
purchase and place your media. Services are free. Call, 615-742-5140.

Join Terrace UMC Saturday, May 20, at Pine Crest Golf Club in West
Houston for the 7th Annual Golf Tournament raising money for college
ministries! Entry fee before April 30 is $80/golfer, after April 30, $85.
Sponsorships are also being sought. For more information please contact
Chase Grasty @ 713-263-0258 /, or Wayne Meyenberg
@ 713-996-7787 /

_______________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM Jim Jackson~
Attention Parents, To-Be Parents and Other Caregivers:
An important documentary on child abuse prevention will be broadcast on
Channel 8, Houston PBS, Thursday, April 13, 7:00 PM, "The Brutal Truth:
Protecting the Family from Violence."
National and local experts filmed in the documentary will bring new
insights on how parents can better handle the stressful times. Topics
such as temper tantrums, discipline versus punishment, bullying,
inappropriate touching, neglect, self-esteem, and kids raising kids will be
The level of child abuse, child neglect and violence in the home has
continued to escalate in this city and across America. Last year, over
82,000 children in the Houston area experienced either child abuse or
child neglect. And, less than 66% of those events was ever reported to
Children's Protective Services.
I have viewed the film and it is excellent. It fits perfectly with
our United Methodist emphasis on "Safe Sanctuary." I encourage you to
announce the airing of this educational docmentary in your newsletters.
bulletins and websites. You can also go to to
download a poster.

FROM Bill Posey, Living Way United Methodist Church~
WHAT: Open House for our new facility with Food, Fun (Moon Walk for
Kids), Music, and Fellowship. Come help us celebrate our new home. Grand
Opening Easter Sunday!!!
WHERE: 17555 Highway 242 - Conroe, Texas 77302
WHEN: Saturday, April 15, 2006 - 1-4 PM
Cost: FREE!!

__________________________OF SPECIAL INTEREST_______________________

FROM Robert Johnson~
To all pastors and laity of ethnic local churches in the Texas
We still have several full scholarships available for eChurch2006,
the national leadership and ministry development conference hosted
annually by Windsor Village UMC. The scholarships are available on a
"first-come-first-served" basis. To take advantage of this great
opportunity, please contact Robert Johnson at 713-726-2013 or Marilyn Cooper at
713-723-8187, ext. 240.

FROM Cynthia Hinson~
The GBOD has given me copyright to a one-page layout of the RCL with
all texts, colors, and special days & other info, which will be offered
every year (beginning 2006). Printed on one page, front and back, it is
easy to hand out to worship teams, study groups, and to put in
The 2007 document is now online at; or you can go to the
GBOD worship site at and click on the second
link under "What's New."

FROM Glenna Brayton~
The Conference Committee on Native American Ministry [CONAM] has
college scholarships for Native American students who are members of TAC
Preference is given to students attending UM colleges and universities,
but students attending other universities are considered. Contact
Glenna Brayton at 281-391-5797 for more information.

_________________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR_______________________

FROM Donna Dean Hutcherson~
PIM is looking for: Team members to go June 10 - 17 to help build a
Fellowship Hall at White Cone. Also, Teams and/ or team members to go to 4
Corners July 8 - 15 to help build a church in Thoreau. Call Donna Dean
Hutcherson @ 903/668-2249 or e-mail at

_____________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES__________________

________________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED_________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website: Thank

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

FROM David Foster, Buna FUMC~
I have a Braille Bible for whomever wants it. I acquired it today and
have no wish to keep it if someone out there has a need for it. I have
no idea what translation it is, or how old it is. It is a complete
18-volume set and is in very good condition. 409-994-3232

FROM Reverend Mariann Wallace ~
Paul Horton UMC has 23 of the Red United Methodist Hymnals available to
any church who may need hymnals.
If you work with a nursing home or other facility who might need
them, we will be glad to pass them on to them as well. Please contact
Reverend Mariann Wallace at or 281-376-8381
if interested in the hymnals.

FROM Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church~
215 Medina St., Houston, Tx 77012-
Pastor Andrew Nunley III-

Air Conditioned (1990 International) Church (School) Bus For Sale
Seats 36-40
Excellent Condition
Price: $15,000.00; Price Negotiable
Please contact:
Pastor Andrew Nunley III
713-320-6621 / 713-926-5601
Trille Hawkins
You can call 713-926-5601 and leave a message and you will be

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

__________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________



FROM Rev. Richard A. Prather~
The Marshall family regrets the loss of Dr. Bill Jack Marshall on
Thursday, March 30, 2006. Dr. Marshall was a United Methodist Medical
Missionary to Bolivia for many years. Contact with the family can be made
through Dr. Marshall's children: David at, daughter
Rebecca at, or daughter Bonnie at

FROM Beaumont Distr.~
Funeral services for Doris Nelson, mother of Rev. Brad Nelson (pastor
of Spurger UMC), will be Tuesday, April 11, at 1:00 p.m. at the First
United Methodist Church in Livingston. Mrs. Nelson was 86 years old
and was still an active member of her intercessory prayer team at FUMC

_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

___________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

_______________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM Jim Jackson~
Attention Parents, To-Be Parents and Other Caregivers:
An important documentary on child abuse prevention will be broadcast on
Channel 8, Houston PBS, Thursday, April 13, 7:00 PM, "The Brutal Truth:
Protecting the Family from Violence."
National and local experts filmed in the documentary will bring new
insights on how parents can better handle the stressful times. Topics
such as temper tantrums, discipline versus punishment, bullying,
inappropriate touching, neglect, self-esteem, and kids raising kids will be
The level of child abuse, child neglect and violence in the home has
continued to escalate in this city and across America. Last year, over
82,000 children in the Houston area experienced either child abuse or
child neglect. And, less than 66% of those events was ever reported to
Children's Protective Services.
I have viewed the film and it is excellent. It fits perfectly with
our United Methodist emphasis on "Safe Sanctuary." I encourage you to
announce the airing of this educational docmentary in your newsletters.
bulletins and websites. You can also go to to
download a poster.

FROM Bill Posey, Living Way United Methodist Church~
WHAT: Open House for our new facility with Food, Fun (Moon Walk for
Kids), Music, and Fellowship. Come help us celebrate our new home. Grand
Opening Easter Sunday!!!
WHERE: 17555 Highway 242 - Conroe, Texas 77302
WHEN: Saturday, April 15, 2006 - 1-4 PM
Cost: FREE!!

__________________________OF SPECIAL INTEREST_______________________

FROM Robert Johnson~
To all pastors and laity of ethnic local churches in the Texas
We still have several full scholarships available for eChurch2006,
the national leadership and ministry development conference hosted
annually by Windsor Village UMC. The scholarships are available on a
"first-come-first-served" basis. To take advantage of this great
opportunity, please contact Robert Johnson at 713-726-2013 or Marilyn Cooper at
713-723-8187, ext. 240.

FROM Cynthia Hinson~
The GBOD has given me copyright to a one-page layout of the RCL with
all texts, colors, and special days & other info, which will be offered
every year (beginning 2006). Printed on one page, front and back, it is
easy to hand out to worship teams, study groups, and to put in
The 2007 document is now online at; or you can go to the
GBOD worship site at and click on the second
link under "What's New."

FROM Glenna Brayton~
The Conference Committee on Native American Ministry [CONAM] has
college scholarships for Native American students who are members of TAC
Preference is given to students attending UM colleges and universities,
but students attending other universities are considered. Contact
Glenna Brayton at 281-391-5797 for more information.

_________________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR_______________________

FROM Robert Johnson~
eChurch, the National Leadership and Ministry Development Conference
hosted annually by Windsor Village UMC, is scheduled for April 19-22,
2006. Using the theme, "Reality DNA: the Essential Elements of Making
Visions Happen," this year’s conference will provide strategies,
inspirational stories and applicable practices that will help anyone with a
God-given dream or vision to turn that vision into a reality!
Along with host pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell, the line-up of speakers
includes top UM leaders and pastors as well as Pam Gardner, VP of
Operations with the Houston Astros and Joseph High, Senior VP of Human
Resources of Owens Corning.
The Conference begins with a worship celebration on Wednesday, April
19, 7:00 p.m. at Windsor Village’s Heatherbrook location, and ends
Saturday morning, April 22, with a Breakfast, 8:30 a.m., at the Power
Center (124101 South Post Oak Road, Houston, TX 77045).
This tremendous program, offered for only $119.00, is easily the most
affordable Leadership Conference in the country!
For more information on the entire conference, please call Marilyn
Cooper at 713-723-8187, ext. 240, or visit Windsor Village’s website,

FROM Donna Dean Hutcherson~
PIM is looking for: Team members to go June 10 - 17 to help build a
Fellowship Hall at White Cone. Also, Teams and/ or team members to go to 4
Corners July 8 - 15 to help build a church in Thoreau. Call Donna Dean
Hutcherson @ 903/668-2249 or e-mail at

_____________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES__________________

________________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED_________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website: Thank

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

FROM Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church~
215 Medina St., Houston, Tx 77012-
Pastor Andrew Nunley III-

Air Conditioned (1990 International) Church (School) Bus For Sale
Seats 36-40
Excellent Condition
Price: $15,000.00; Price Negotiable
Please contact:
Pastor Andrew Nunley III
713-320-6621 / 713-926-5601
Trille Hawkins
You can call 713-926-5601 and leave a message and you will be

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Our offices will be closed on Good Friday and I will be out on Monday,
the 17th, so there will be no group email either day. Have a most
Blessed Easter! Jo Mackenzie, TXCUMC

________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________

FROM David Davidson~
Please keep FUMC Paige in your prayers as they are having their first
Easter Sunrise service for the greater Paige area. There are many an
unchurched person in these woods.



_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

___________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM Robert Johnson,Windsor Village UMC~
A gracious donor has made a contribution to pay registration costs for
four pastors of the Texas Conference who would like to attend the
eChurch Leadership and Ministry Development Conference. The gifts will be
awarded on a first-come-first-served basis. Please call Robert Johnson
at 713-723-8187, ext. 237, for more information.

FROM Joyce Elliott~
Houston East District is offering five $150 scholarships for children
and youth to attend Texas Conference Choir Clinic. Yes, Choir Clinic is
relevant for your church. Visit the website to
see what is available the week of June 5-9 at Lakeview. The cost has
gone down to $265 per camper for early registration which is May 1. One
scholarship per church can be claimed by writing a request to Joyce
Elliott at or calling 713-946-5987.

_______________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM Rev. Pam Jackson~
John Wesley UMC, 5830 Bermuda Dunes, Houston 77069, invites you to an
extraordinary service of worship on Holy Thursday at 7:30 p.m., as Mike
Lewis, nationally known Jesus Painter, presents with JWUMC chancel
For more information, visit www.

FROM Jim Jackson~
Attention Parents, To-Be Parents and Other Caregivers:
An important documentary on child abuse prevention will be broadcast on
Channel 8, Houston PBS, Thursday, April 13, 7:00 PM, "The Brutal Truth:
Protecting the Family from Violence."
National and local experts filmed in the documentary will bring new
insights on how parents can better handle the stressful times. Topics
such as temper tantrums, discipline versus punishment, bullying,
inappropriate touching, neglect, self-esteem, and kids raising kids will be
I have viewed the film and it is excellent. It fits perfectly with
our United Methodist emphasis on "Safe Sanctuary." You can go to to download a poster.

FROM Wesley UMC , 7225 Homestead, in northeast Houston~
We invite all believers to join us in our Annual Good Friday Service,
at 7 p.m. The Thespians of Wesley will dramatize "Witness of the Light,"
by Rev. John Park, directed by Annie Ford. This is a dramatic worship
service that shows the true joy of the resurrection. Wesley will be
joined by guest performers from Lane Chapel CME. Church: Clarence Shaw,
director of music and Randy Young, pastoral minister. We welcome your

FROM Bill Posey, Living Way United Methodist Church~
WHAT: Open House for our new facility with Food, Fun (Moon Walk for
Kids), Music, and Fellowship. Come help us celebrate our new home. Grand
Opening Easter Sunday!!!
WHERE: 17555 Highway 242 - Conroe, Texas 77302
WHEN: Saturday, April 15, 2006 - 1-4 PM
Cost: FREE!!

__________________________OF SPECIAL INTEREST_______________________

FROM Robert Johnson~
To all pastors and laity of ethnic local churches in the Texas
We still have several full scholarships available for eChurch2006,
the national leadership and ministry development conference hosted
annually by Windsor Village UMC. The scholarships are available on a
"first-come-first-served" basis. To take advantage of this great
opportunity, please contact Robert Johnson at 713-726-2013 or Marilyn Cooper at
713-723-8187, ext. 240.

_________________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR_______________________

FROM Jackie Vaughan, Director, Media Grants and Services, Igniting
Grant monies available -
A reminder that the next application round for Igniting Ministry
matching media grants begins May 1- June 1. This will cover both
Back-to-School and Advent advertising seasons.
Apply for one or both. Information and an application can be
downloaded at www.igniting and
click on matching grants. Media grants will cover 50% of the approved
purchase for TV/Cable, billboard, cinema or radio.
Igniting Ministry Media Services team can also furnish estimates,
purchase and place your media. Services are free. Call, 615-742-5140.

Join Terrace UMC Saturday, May 20, at Pine Crest Golf Club in West
Houston for the 7th Annual Golf Tournament raising money for college
ministries! Entry fee before April 30 is $80/golfer, after April 30, $85.
Sponsorships are also being sought. For more information please contact
Chase Grasty @ 713-263-0258 /, or Wayne Meyenberg
@ 713-996-7787 /

FROM Donna Dean Hutcherson~
PIM is looking for: Team members to go June 10 - 17 to help build a
Fellowship Hall at White Cone. Also, Teams and/ or team members to go to 4
Corners July 8 - 15 to help build a church in Thoreau. Call Donna Dean
Hutcherson @ 903/668-2249 or e-mail at

_____________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES__________________

FROM Jack Walker~
Rev. Dr. Stan Basler, Executive Director of Criminal Justice,
Oklahoma Conference, will speak at noon Friday, April 21, on restorative
justice (RJ) activities. The conference operates four ex-offender
(Redemption) churches and two half-way (Exodus) houses. With a budget in excess
of $500,000 in 2006, they are leading the way in RJ activites
throughout Methodism.
As our conference moves forward in RJ and for clergy and
congregational excellence
under Bishop Janice Riggle Huie, all interested Methodists are invited
to hear how Oklahoma congregations and clergy welcome back the
prodigals, serve the victims of crime, and help the criminal justice
The lunch is at the Sheraton North, two blocks North of Beltway 8 on
JFK Blvd., heading toward Bush Airport, in the Austin Room upstairs.
Total cost is $12. Call Jack Walker for reservations BY APRIL 19 at
713-569-1076 or Rev. Jerry Williams at 903-675-2757.
The lunch is associated with, but separate from, the convention
mentioned below.

NOTE: You can still sign up for the April 21-21 State Convention on
Restorative Justice by going to It is In the
Sheraton North Hotel.

________________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED_________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website: Thank

FROM C. J. Taylor, UM Foundation~
The Board of Directors for the United Methodist CRAMER RETREAT CENTER
OF THE TEXAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE is currently accepting resumes’ for
consideration for the position of on-site PROPERTY MANAGER. The Cramer
Retreat Center is a beautiful 18-acre site located in Spring, Texas, just
west of I.H. 45 and Cypresswood Drive. Visit our website at to learn more about the property.
Please forward all resumes’ with letter of introduction by email to
the following: Cramer Retreat Center, attn: Mr. Michael D. Kennedy,

FROM Rev. Tommy Williams~
Woodville United Methodist Church is looking for a Summer Youth
Ministries Director.
Woodville is located halfway between Beaumont and Lufkin on Hwy 69.
We are looking for a college student with energy, passion and love for
God and young people.
$2400/summer, plus possible local housing and some board. Send
resume to or call 409-283-2471 for more info.

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

FROM Rev. Dave Avis, St. John's UMC Baytown ~
This may be of interest to other United Methodists:
Original Page from the First Edition of the 1611 King James Bible
framed with a laser copy of the title page. Original page visible on both
sides. $250
My Collection of 27 Methodist Hymnals from 1812 to 1852, including
several small ladies purse-size hymnals. Priced to sell. Pick and choose
or make me an offer for the entire collection.
My Collection of 14 Methodist Disciplines from 1840 to 1890 and
others newer. From $15 - $85. Or make me an offer for the whole
281-420-3806 or 713-899-8795

FROM David Foster, Buna FUMC~
I have a Braille Bible for whomever wants it. I acquired it today and
have no wish to keep it if someone out there has a need for it. I have
no idea what translation it is, or how old it is. It is a complete
18-volume set and is in very good condition. 409-994-3232

FROM Reverend Mariann Wallace ~
Paul Horton UMC has 23 of the Red United Methodist Hymnals available to
any church who may need hymnals.
If you work with a nursing home or other facility who might need
them, we will be glad to pass them on to them as well. Please contact
Reverend Mariann Wallace at or 281-376-8381
if interested in the hymnals.

FROM Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church~
215 Medina St., Houston, Tx 77012-
Pastor Andrew Nunley III-

Air Conditioned (1990 International) Church (School) Bus For Sale
Seats 36-40
Excellent Condition
Price: $15,000.00; Price Negotiable
Please contact:
Pastor Andrew Nunley III
713-320-6621 / 713-926-5601
Trille Hawkins
You can call 713-926-5601 and leave a message and you will be

Monday, April 10, 2006

__________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________

FROM Associate Pastor Ken Jones @ Mission Bend~
Thanks to those who have been praying for my weight reduction surgery.
The operation went fairly well, and hopefully, I will be a new and
improved pastor in a few weeks. In the meantime, every pain today shall be
a blessing tomorrow!



_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

___________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM Robert Johnson~
To all pastors and laity of ethnic local churches in the Texas
We still have several full scholarships available for eChurch2006,
the national leadership and ministry development conference hosted
annually by Windsor Village UMC. The scholarships are available on a
"first-come-first-served" basis. To take advantage of this great
opportunity, please contact Robert Johnson at 713-726-2013 or Marilyn Cooper at
713-723-8187, ext. 240.

FROM Cynthia Hinson~
The GBOD has given me copyright to a one-page layout of the RCL with
all texts, colors, and special days & other info, which will be offered
every year (beginning 2006). Printed on one page, front and back, it is
easy to hand out to worship teams, study groups, and to put in
The 2007 document is now online at; or you can go to the
GBOD worship site at and click on the second
link under "What's New."

FROM Glenna Brayton~
The Conference Committee on Native American Ministry [CONAM] has
college scholarships for Native American students who are members of TAC
Preference is given to students attending UM colleges and universities,
but students attending other universities are considered. Contact
Glenna Brayton at 281-391-5797 for more information.

_______________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM Jim Jackson~
Attention Parents, To-Be Parents and Other Caregivers:
An important documentary on child abuse prevention will be broadcast on
Channel 8, Houston PBS, Thursday, April 13, 7:00 PM, "The Brutal Truth:
Protecting the Family from Violence."
National and local experts filmed in the documentary will bring new
insights on how parents can better handle the stressful times. Topics
such as temper tantrums, discipline versus punishment, bullying,
inappropriate touching, neglect, self-esteem, and kids raising kids will be
The level of child abuse, child neglect and violence in the home has
continued to escalate in this city and across America. Last year, over
82,000 children in the Houston area experienced either child abuse or
child neglect. And, less than 66% of those events was ever reported to
Children's Protective Services.
I have viewed the film and it is excellent. It fits perfectly with
our United Methodist emphasis on "Safe Sanctuary." I encourage you to
announce the airing of this educational docmentary in your newsletters.
bulletins and websites. You can also go to to
download a poster.

FROM Bill Posey, Living Way United Methodist Church~
WHAT: Open House for our new facility with Food, Fun (Moon Walk for
Kids), Music, and Fellowship. Come help us celebrate our new home. Grand
Opening Easter Sunday!!!
WHERE: 17555 Highway 242 - Conroe, Texas 77302
WHEN: Saturday, April 15, 2006 - 1-4 PM
Cost: FREE!!

_________________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR_______________________

FROM Robert Johnson~
eChurch, the National Leadership and Ministry Development Conference
hosted annually by Windsor Village UMC, is scheduled for April 19-22,
2006. Using the theme, "Reality DNA: the Essential Elements of Making
Visions Happen," this year’s conference will provide strategies,
inspirational stories and applicable practices that will help anyone with a
God-given dream or vision to turn that vision into a reality!
Along with host pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell, the line-up of speakers
includes top UM leaders and pastors as well as Pam Gardner, VP of
Operations with the Houston Astros and Joseph High, Senior VP of Human
Resources of Owens Corning.
The Conference begins with a worship celebration on Wednesday, April
19, 7:00 p.m. at Windsor Village’s Heatherbrook location, and ends
Saturday morning, April 22, with a Breakfast, 8:30 a.m., at the Power
Center (124101 South Post Oak Road, Houston, TX 77045).
This tremendous program, offered for only $119.00, is easily the most
affordable Leadership Conference in the country!
For more information on the entire conference, please call Marilyn
Cooper at 713-723-8187, ext. 240, or visit Windsor Village’s website,

_____________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES__________________

________________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED_________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website: Thank

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

Friday, April 07, 2006

Apparently, there was a glitch in the system and the Daily Group Email
for Wednesday, April 5, did not get sent. Please forgive the

__________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________

FROM Jo Mackenzie, TXCUMC~
Woody Wells' daughter, Leslie Bowie Wells, has been diagnosed with
cancer. (Woody works in the Shalom Zone office here at the Conference).
However, Leslie is pregnant and has opted to forego chemotherapy and
radiation treatments (at the risk of her own life) until such time as she
can safely deliver the baby, at approximately 32 weeks. She is currently
in about her 14th week. She and her family are defintely in need of
love and prayer. And because God is great and can grant our prayer, we are
asking for a miracle. Please join us in this endeavor.

Also, Doreen Lenz, daughter of our own Dora Lenz (Golden Cross) is
now home, recuperating from a heart procedure and doing well. Please
keep her and the family in your prayers.

FROM Wayne Middleton~
I keep looking every day and my name does not appear listed under
"Conference Funerals," so I guess I'm going to get out of bed and go back to
work. Many thanks to all who offered prayers and support during my
recent hospitalization...

FROM Gus Browning~
Thanks to all who prayed for me prior to my prostate cancer
cryoablation on Monday, April 3. The procedure went well and I was in the hospital
only one night with absolutely no pain. I will be recovering at home
for the next two weeks, so continued prayers will be appreciated.



FROM Judy Sharp, Assistant to Dr. Jim Jackson~
Rev. Wick Stuckey's (Chapelwood UMC) younger brother, Derek, passed
away early Thursday (April 6) morning. His Memorial Service will be 2:00
PM, Sunday, April 9, in Chapelwood's Sanctuary (11140 Greenbay Street,
Houston, TX 77024), with a reception following in the Fellowship Hall.

FROM Barbie Strauss, Lay Leader, Burkeville UMC~
My pastor, Rev. Terry Smith, is in Tulsa, Oklahoma because her sister
in Christ, Denise Hygh, died on April 5th. They have been close friends
for a very long time. Please be in prayer for Pastor Terry of
Burkeville UMC and the family of Denise Hygh.

_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

___________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM Jim Jackson~
Attention Parents, To-Be Parents and Other Caregivers:
An important documentary on child abuse prevention will be broadcast on
Channel 8, Houston PBS, Thursday, April 13, 7:00 PM, "The Brutal Truth:
Protecting the Family from Violence."
National and local experts filmed in the documentary will bring new
insights on how parents can better handle the stressful times. Topics
such as temper tantrums, discipline versus punishment, bullying,
inappropriate touching, neglect, self-esteem, and kids raising kids will be
The level of child abuse, child neglect and violence in the home has
continued to escalate in this city and across America. Last year, over
82,000 children in the Houston area experienced either child abuse or
child neglect. And, less than 66% of those events was ever reported to
Children's Protective Services.
I have viewed the film and it is excellent. It fits perfectly with
our United Methodist emphasis on "Safe Sanctuary." I encourage you to
announce the airing of this educational docmentary in your newsletters.
bulletins and websites. You can also go to to
download a poster.

FROM Bill Posey, Living Way United Methodist Church~
WHAT: Open House for our new facility with Food, Fun (Moon Walk for
Kids), Music, and Fellowship. Come help us celebrate our new home.
Grand Opening Easter Sunday!!!
WHERE: 17555 Highway 242 - Conroe, Texas 77302
WHEN: Saturday, April 15, 2006 - 1-4 PM
Cost: FREE!!

FROM Robert Johnson~
To all pastors and laity of ethnic local churches in the Texas
Conference: We still have several full scholarships available for eChurch2006,
the national leadership and ministry development conference hosted
annually by Windsor Village UMC. The scholarships are available on a
first-come-first-served basis. To take advantage of this great opportunity,
please contact Robert Johnson at 713-726-2013 or Marilyn Cooper at
713-723-8187, ext. 240.

FROM Cynthia Hinson~
The GBOD has given me copyright to a one-page layout of the RCL with
all texts, colors, and special days & other info, which will be offered
every year (beginning 2006). Printed on one page, front and back, it is
easy to hand out to worship teams, study groups, and to put in
The 2007 document is now online at; or you can go to the
GBOD worship site at and click on the second
link under "What's New."

FROM Glenna Brayton~
The Conference Committee on Native American Ministry [CONAM] has
college scholarships for Native American students who are members of TAC
Preference is given to students attending UM colleges and universities,
but students attending other universities are considered. Contact
Glenna Brayton at 281-391-5797 for more information.

_______________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM Nancy Hairston~
Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas will be at Tennison UMC in Mt. Pleasant for our
annual joint Lenten Series. Friday and Saturday, April 7-8, covered
dish meal begins at 6 pm, Fellowship Hall; Worship begins at 6:45 pm,
Sanctuary. Sunday, April 9, morning worship at 10:50, Sanctuary. The church
is on Church and 3rd (313 Church), 903-572-5341.

FROM Judy Decker~
Free concert and carnival on Saturday, April 8, 2 to 8 p.m., on north
lawn at Moody Memorial FUMC in Galveston at 53rd street and Ave. U.
Bands scheduled are Wayne Kerr, the Matt Neely Band and more! Carnival
features Extreme Inflatable Toys for all ages. Food available; sales will
benefit future events.
Contact Wesley Campus Ministry at 740-6587 or

FROM Sarah Smith~
Memorial Drive United Methodist Church’s chancel choir, soloists, and
orchestra will present Mozart’s Requiem on Palm Sunday, April 9, at 7
p.m., in the sanctuary. No admission charge. MDUMC is located at 12955
Memorial Drive, one block west of Beltway 8 in west Houston, between the
Beltway and Wilcrest. You are cordially invited to attend. Church:
(713) 468-8356 ext. 126.

_________________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR_______________________

FROM Valerie Hudson, Bellaire UMC~
Wayne Kerr and his band will be holding a concert at Bellaire UMC on
Saturday, April 22nd at 7 pm. Wayne, a contemporary Christian recording
artist, has performed concerts both locally and even internationally,
and his concerts are full of energy and excitement. For free tickets,
visit and click on the link for Wayne. Wayne will
also be leading worship at the 8:30 contemporary service on Sunday, April
23rd. All are invited to attend.

FROM Melissa Hinton~
St. Luke's (Houston) Market Days will be held in the Activities Center
on April 26 and 27, 9:00 - 4:00 pm. Free Admission. Tuesday, April 24,
6:00 - 9:00 pm will be the Preview Party, $10, catered by Landry's.
Shopping Extravaganza you will not want to miss!

FROM Lonna Nunn, Texarkana District Office~



WHEN: FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2006 - 6:30 P.M.

R.S.V.P.: Please respond no later than April 15 to Texarkana District
UMC, Attention: Dawson Retirement, P.O. Box 2007, Texarkana, TX 75504.

If you would like to send a note congratulating Howdy on his
retirement, please send these to the above address as well.
A nursery for those with small children will be provided.
Reservations requested.

_____________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES__________________

________________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED_________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website: Thank

FROM John Mealus~
The FUMC in Rosenberg is looking for a music director. This is a
part-time position directing the sanctuary choir and supervising the
childrens choirs and handbells. For an application and complete job
description, you may contact the church at 1106 Fourth St. Rosenberg, Texas
77471, call 281-232-3246 or e-mail Sue at

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

__________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________

FROM Lonna Nunn, Texarkana District Office~
Durwood Bristow, retired pastor in the Texarkana District, fell at
church on March 26 and broke his arm. He is recovering nicely.
Ralph Hale, pastor at Hughes Springs, First and Cornett UMCs in the
Texarkana District, is having extreme neck surgery (on disks 2-7) April
26 at Methodist Hospital in Houston.



FROM Lonna Nunn, Texarkana District Office~
Marie Knight’s mother, Nancy Cothran, recently passed away. Marie is
the wife of retired pastor James Knight.

_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

FROM Jan Ervin, Provost's Office
ATTENTION: If you have tried to make a reservation at the Hyatt
Regency and have been told they are completely booked, try again. There was a
glitch in their computer system somehow not linking it up to see all
the rooms available. Please call the Hyatt again to make your
reservations. If you have any trouble or feel you get wrong information, get the
person's name you are speaking with and give Jan Ervin a call with the
name, date and what you were told. We are trying to make sure this
doesn't happen again. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused!

FROM Ruby Nelson~
If you still need to attend a workshop on clergy sexual
harassment/misconduct to fulfill a requirement for ordination or consecration, you
have one more chance before annual conference. You may sit in on a
three-hour section during licensing school. Lon Morris College in
Jacksonville in the chapel building. Saturday, May 20th from 9 - 12 noon. No
registration required. No cost.

___________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM Lonnie & Sue Sullivan~
The Conference Commission on Small Membership Churches will host its
annual banquet on Monday, Math 29, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. We will gather in
the Fellowship Hall at First UMC, 1320 Main Street, Houston. Our
speaker will be Dr. Karen Dorris, who will be the new director of the Office
of Congregational Excellence. Award presentations will be made for
Small Membership Church of the Year, Small Membership Church Lay Person of
the Year, and Small Membership Church Pastor of the Year.
Cost for reservations is $15 per person. Please mail check or money
order, made out to Texas Annual Conference-SMC, to Sue Sullivan, 6312
Chaparral, Texarkana, TX 75503. Last date to make a reservation is May
10th. No tickets will be mailed. As always, check in with the
registration table at the banquet on May 29th.
For additional questions, you may contact Mrs. Sullivan at
903-838-7737 after 5:00 p.m. Come join us for an exciting evening with Small
Membership Church pastors, laity and friends.

________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM John Dawson webminister@PayneSpriingsUMC,org~
OLD TIME REVIVAL - Now thru April 5 - Payne Springs UMC - 5:30 Snack
supper Every Evening. 6:30 p.m. Worship begins, featuring Rev. Kay
Alewine , Pastor of Arp UMC.
For directions or more information, 903-451-2978 OR Rev. Elizabeth
Elizardo, -

FROM Donna V. Adair, Director of Communications, St. Paul's UMC,
We have several events going on in the life of our church that we think
would be of interest. The dates are listed below and you will find more
information about each event listed on our Web site,, on either our Home Page or on the Calendar. You are cordially
invited to attend and we hope you join us as follows:

> April 4-6 - Lenten Recital Series - Madrigal Singers - 12:15
p.m. -
> April 5 & 12 - Parent Education Lecture Series - "Mothering
Daughters" will be on
April 5, "Mothering Sons" will be on April 12. - Both
dates 9:45 to 11:15 a.m. -
> April 6 - Tour St. Paul’s Church with Prime Timers - 11 a.m. -
> April 6 - Director of Accreditation for the National
Association for the Education of
Young Children, Kim Means - 7 to 9 p.m. -
St. Paul’s, 5501 Main Street, is on the corner of Main and
Binz/Bissonnet, across from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

FROM Nancy Hairston~
Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas will be at Tennison UMC in Mt. Pleasant for our
annual joint Lenten Series. Friday and Saturday, April 7-8, covered
dish meal begins at 6 pm, Fellowship Hall; Worship begins at 6:45 pm,
Sanctuary. Sunday, April 9, morning worship at 10:50, Sanctuary. The church
is on Church and 3rd (313 Church), 903-572-5341.

FROM Ms. Juanita Jackson, ELCC Committee Chair ~
April 7, 2006 is the proposal deadline for the Spring 2006 grant
cycle. Ethnic churches and churches in transition that meet the criteria
are urged to apply.
Grant application and criteria can be downloaded from the Conference
Website:, link to Ministries (Committee on Ethnic Local
Church Concerns)
All completed proposals should be received by:
Mrs. Pam Woody, 16111 Second Street,
Channelview, TX 77530 on or before the deadline
of April 7, 2006.
For additional information, please contact : Ms. Juanita Jackson,
ELCC Committee
Chair, at (713) 743-5385 or (713) 523-6392.

FROM Sarah Smith~
Memorial Drive United Methodist Church’s chancel choir, soloists, and
orchestra will present Mozart’s Requiem on Palm Sunday, April 9, at 7
p.m., in the sanctuary. No admission charge. MDUMC is located at 12955
Memorial Drive, one block west of Beltway 8 in west Houston, between the
Beltway and Wilcrest. You are cordially invited to attend. Church:
(713) 468-8356 ext. 126.

_________________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR_______________________

FROM Woodie Wells~
Conference Commission on Religion and Race is accepting grant
applications for the Ethnic Ministries Grants. DEADLINE to apply is APRIL 11,
For more information or to receive an application, contact Eleanor
Colvin at 713 695-2469 or e-mail at or Woodie Wells at
713 521-9383 or e-mail at

FROM Donna Dean~
We need a team of about 12 -15 members to go to 4 Corners July 8 - 15.
We also need individual members who will go with an already set up
team, June 17 - 24.
Contact Donna Dean Hutcherson , 903/668-2249 or 903/ 235 - 0950. for
more details.

_____________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES__________________

________________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED_________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website: Thank

FROM Rev. Tommy Williams~
Woodville United Methodist Church is looking for a Summer Youth
Ministries Director.
Woodville is located halfway between Beaumont and Lufkin on Hwy 69. We
are looking for a college student with energy, passion and love for God
and young people.
$2400/summer plus possible local housing and some board. Send resume
to or call 409-283-2471 for more info.

FROM Deborah Proctor~
St. John's United Methodist Church in Texas City has an opening for a
summer youth intern. Needs to be 21 years old. Includes working with our
full-time youth director in ministering to our junior high and senior
high youth.
Will attend summer camp, junior and senior high mission trips,
evening youth activities. $1200 for the summer. Inquiries should be
directed to Kelly Castillo at:

FROM Alicia Permenter, Director of Youth Ministries~
Cedar Bayou UMC is looking for interns to fill 2 full-time positions
from May 14 - August 13, 2006. We are looking for one intern for our
Youth Ministries and one for our Children’s ministries. The interns will
be expected to do his/her best to fulfill the vision and image of Cedar
Bayou Children/Youth Ministries. Please contact Alicia Permenter,
Director of Youth Ministries at 281.427.4754 or for
more information.

FROM Christ UMC, College Station, Texas~
We are currently accepting applications for Director of College
Ministries and Intern Ministries.
College Station is the home of Texas A&M University and Blinn Junior
The Intern program gives students exploring calls to church careers
the opportunity to work in the different ministry areas approximately
13 hours a week while attending Texas A&M or Blinn College. The Director
of College and Intern ministries and the Interns are provided with
dorm-style rooms, a kitchen and living area in the Intern Wing of Christ
For more information, e-mail or

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

Monday, April 03, 2006

__________________________PRAYER CONCERNS________________________

FROM Bonnie Sandberg,
My dad, Lewis Risinger, is now home from the hospital.



FROM Gus & Jackie Browning~
Some Texas Conference folks will remember Rev. Wilson Wade who served
in this Conference in the late 1950s - early 1960s, including music
director and youth director. After graduating from Perkins at SMU, he
served mostly in the Southwest Texas Conference until retirement in 1996.
Wilson, 78, died March 22 after a long bout with cancer. Memorial
services were April 2 at University Methodist, Austin. He is survived by his
wife Carla, son John Charles, daughter Elizabeth Wade Buller, son Chris
Houston and daughter Emily Houston.

_____________________CONFERENCE INFORMATION______________________

___________________NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS/EVENTS___________________

FROM Roby Nelson~
If you still need to attend a workshop on clergy sexual
harassment/misconduct to fulfill a requirement for ordination or consecration, you
have one more chance before annual conference. You may sit in on a
three-hour section during licensing school. Lon Morris College in
Jacksonville in the chapel building. Saturday, May 20th from 9 - 12 noon. No
registration required. No cost.

FROM Patrick Combe~
I am looking for a minister who speaks French to speak to a woman who
may be in her last days. If you can help, please contact me. I am
Patrick Combe at 832 724 3239.

FROM Donna Dean~
We need a PIM team of about 12 -15 members to go to 4 Corners July 8 -
We also need individual members who will go with an already set up
team, June 17 - 24. Contact Donna Dean Hutcherson , 903/668-2249 or 903/
235 - 0950, for more details.

FROM Glenna Brayton~
The Conference Committee on Native American Ministry [CONAM] has
college scholarships for Native American students who are members of TAC
Preference is given to students attending UM colleges and universities,
but students attending other universities are considered Contact
Glenna Brayton at 281-391-5797 for more information.

FROM Woodie Wells~
Conference Commission on Religion and Race is accepting grant
applications for the Ethnic Ministries Grants. DEADLINE to apply is APRIL 11,
For more information or to receive an application, contact Eleanor
Colvin at 713 695-2469 or e-mail at or Woodie Wells at
713 521-9383 or e-mail at

________________________THIS WEEK'S EVENTS_________________________

FROM John Dawson webminister@PayneSpriingsUMC,org~
OLD TIME REVIVAL - Now thru April 5 -
5:30 Snack supper Every Evening. 6:30 p.m. Worship begins Featuring
Rev. Kay Alewine, Pastor of Arp UMC.
PAYNE SPRINGS METHODIST CHURCH; 9667 State Highway 198 South; Payne
Springs, TX 75156 (Palestine District)
For directions or more information, 903-451-2978 OR Rev. Elizabeth
Elizardo, -
All Invited To Singing, Preaching, and Eating

FROM Nancy Hairston~
Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas will be at Tennison UMC in Mt. Pleasant for our
annual joint Lenten Series. Friday and Saturday, April 7-8, covered
dish meal begins at 6 pm, Fellowship Hall; Worship begins at 6:45 pm,
Sanctuary. Sunday, April 9, morning worship at 10:50, Sanctuary. The church
is on Church and 3rd (313 Church), 903-572-5341.

FROM Ms. Juanita Jackson, ELCC Committee Chair ~
April 7, 2006 is the proposal deadline for the Spring 2006 grant
cycle. Ethnic churches and churches in transition that meet the criteria
are urged to apply.
Grant application and criteria can be downloaded from the Conference
Website:, link to Ministries (Committee on Ethnic Local
Church Concerns)
All completed proposals should be received by:
Mrs. Pam Woody, 16111 Second Street,
Channelview, TX 77530 on or before the deadline
of April 7, 2006.
For additional information, please contact : Ms. Juanita Jackson,
ELCC Committee
Chair, at (713) 743-5385 or (713) 523-6392.

FROM Sarah Smith~
Memorial Drive United Methodist Church’s chancel choir, soloists, and
orchestra will present Mozart’s Requiem on Palm Sunday, April 9, at 7
p.m., in the sanctuary. No admission charge. MDUMC is located at 12955
Memorial Drive, one block west of Beltway 8 in west Houston, between the
Beltway and Wilcrest. You are cordially invited to attend. Church:
(713) 468-8356 ext. 126.

_________________________MARK YOUR CALENDAR_______________________

_____________________RESTORATIVE JUSTICE NOTICES__________________

FROM John W. Harrington, Restorative Justice Coordinator--Beaumont
Folks released from incarceration asking to be contacted by a local
area church:

Gatesville Womens Unit:
Lonis Etta Wilson, 4710 Galveston Street, Beaumont, TX;
77705--409-892-1584 -
Attended AA

Robbie Swisher, 6610 Wedgewood, Beaumont, Texas -
Richard Francis Sr., 47690 Hartel, Beaumont, TX 77705

________________________JOB OPENINGS/JOBS WANTED_________________

Below are the most current openings and job information. Previous job
postings can be located on the conference website: Thank

FROM Rev. Tommy Williams~
Woodville United Methodist Church is looking for a Summer Youth
Ministries Director.
Woodville is located halfway between Beaumont and Lufkin on Hwy 69. We
are looking for a college student with energy, passion and love for God
and young people.
$2400/summer plus possible local housing and some board. Send resume
to or call 409-283-2471 for more info.

FROM Deborah Proctor~
St. John's United Methodist Church in Texas City has an opening for a
summer youth intern. Needs to be 21 years old. Includes working with our
full-time youth director in ministering to our junior high and senior
high youth.
Will attend summer camp, junior and senior high mission trips,
evening youth activities. $1200 for the summer. Inquiries should be
directed to Kelly Castillo at:

FROM Alicia Permenter, Director of Youth Ministries~
Cedar Bayou UMC is looking for interns to fill 2 full-time positions
from May 14 - August 13, 2006. We are looking for one intern for our
Youth Ministries and one for our Children’s ministries. The interns will
be expected to do his/her best to fulfill the vision and image of Cedar
Bayou Children/Youth Ministries. Please contact Alicia Permenter,
Director of Youth Ministries at 281.427.4754 or for
more information.

FROM Christ UMC, College Station, Texas~
We are currently accepting applications for Director of College
Ministries and Intern Ministries.
College Station is the home of Texas A&M University and Blinn Junior
The Intern program gives students exploring calls to church careers
the opportunity to work in the different ministry areas approximately
13 hours a week while attending Texas A&M or Blinn College. The Director
of College and Intern ministries and the Interns are provided with
dorm-style rooms, a kitchen and living area in the Intern Wing of Christ
For more information, e-mail or

______________________WANT ADS (Items Needed/Wanted)________________

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